Campaign | unicaACListener

If you are configuring a single-node listener cluster, use this category, and only this category, to define configuration settings for your non-clustered listener. For clustered listeners, the properties in this category pertain to all of the listener nodes in the cluster, except for the following properties, which are ignored: serverHost, serverPort, useSSLForPort2, serverPort2. (Instead, set these properties for each individual node, under Campaign|unicaACListener|node[n].)

These properties must be set only once per instance of Campaign; they do not need to be set for every partition.


Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The enableWindowsImpersonation property specifies whether Windows™ impersonation is enabled in Campaign.

Set the value to TRUE if you are using Windows impersonation. You must configure Windows impersonation separately if you want to leverage the Windows-level security permissions for file access.

Set the value to FALSE if you are not using Windows impersonation.

Default value


Valid Values



Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The Campaign | unicaACListener | enableWindowsEventLogging property turns Windows event logging on or off for HCL® Campaign listener events. Set this property to TRUE to log to the Windows event log.

Attention: Windows Event logging can cause issues with flowchart runs. Avoid enabling this feature unless advised by Technical Support.
Default value


Valid Values



Configuration category

If you have a single-node listener configuration, this property identifies the listener. If you have a clustered listener configuration, this property is ignored. (Instead, set this property for each individual node, under Campaign|unicaACListener|node[n].)

The serverHost property specifies the name or IP address of the machine where the Campaign listener is installed. If the Campaign listener is not installed on the same machine where IBM EMM is installed, change the value to the machine name or IP address of the machine where the Campaign listener is installed.

Default value



Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The logMaxBackupIndex property specifies how many backup files can exist before the oldest one is deleted. If you set this property to 0 (zero), Campaign does not create any backup files and the log file stops logging when it reaches the size you specified in the logMaxFileSize property.

If you specify a number (N) for this property, when the log file (File) reaches the size you specified in the logMaxFileSize property, Campaign renames the existing backup files (File.1 ... File.N-1) to File.2 ... File.N , renames the current log file File.1, closes it, and and starts a new log file named File.

Default value

1 (creates one backup file)


Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The logStringEncoding property controls the encoding used for all log files. This value must match the encoding used on the operating system. For multi-locale environments, UTF-8 is the preferred setting.

If you change this value, you should empty or remove all affected log files to prevent writing multiple encodings into a single file.

Note: WIDEUTF-8 is not supported for this setting.
Default value


Valid Values

See "Character encodings in Campaign" in the Campaign Administrator's Guide.


Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The systemStringEncoding property indicates which encodings Campaign uses to interpret values received from and sent to the operating system, such as file system paths and filenames. In most cases, you can set this value to native. For multi-locale environments, use UTF-8.

You can specify more than one encoding, separated by commas. For example:


Note: WIDEUTF-8 is not supported for this setting.
Default value


Valid Values

See Character encodings in Campaign in the Campaign Administrator's Guide.


Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The Campaign > unicaACListener > loggingLevels property controls the amount of detail written to the log file.

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered configurations.

Default value


Valid Values
  • LOW
  • HIGH


Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

This property sets the number of operating system threads cached by the Campaign listener process (unica_aclsnr) for reuse.

It is a best practice to use the cache when you want to reduce the overhead of thread allocation, or with operating systems that can exhibit an inability to release threads when asked to do so by an application.

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered configurations.

Default value

0 (zero), which disables the cache


Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The logMaxFileSize property specifies the maximum size, in bytes, that the log file can reach before rolling into the backup file.

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered configurations.

Default value

10485760 (10 MB)


Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The windowsEventLoggingLevels property controls the amount of detail written to the Windows event log file based on severity.

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered configurations.

Default value


Valid Values
  • LOW
  • HIGH
  • ALL

The ALL level includes trace messages intended for diagnostic purposes.


Configuration category

If you have a single-node listener configuration, this property identifies the listener port. If you have a clustered listener configuration, this property is ignored. (Instead, set this property for each individual node, under Campaign|unicaACListener|node[n].)

The serverPort property specifies the port where a single (non-clustered) Campaign listener is installed.

Default value



Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

The useSSL property specifies whether to use Secure Sockets Layer for communications between the Campaign listener and the Campaign web application.

Also see the description for the serverPort2 property, in this category.

Default value


Valid Values

yes | no


Configuration category

This property is optional.

This property applies only to a single-node listener configuration. If you have a clustered listener configuration, this property is ignored. (Instead, define serverPort2 for each individual node, under Campaign|unicaACListener|node[n].)

The serverPort2 property, in conjunction with the useSSLForPort2 property, also in this category, enables you to specify the use of SSL for communication between the Campaign listener and flowchart processes, separately from the communication between the Campaign web application and listener, which is specified by the serverPort and useSSL properties in this category.

All communication between Campaign components, (between the web application and listener and between the listener and server) use the mode specified by the useSSL property under any of the following conditions.

  • serverPort2 is set to its default value of 0, or
  • serverPort2 is set to the same value as serverPort, or
  • useSSLForPort2 is set to the same value as useSSL

In these cases, a second listener port is not enabled, and communication between the Campaign listener and the flowchart (server) processes and communication between the listener and the Campaign web application use the same mode: either both non-SSL or both SSL, depending on the value of the useSSL property.

The listener uses two different modes of communication when both of the following conditions exist.

  • serverPort2 is set to a non-0 value different from the value of serverPort, and
  • useSSLForPort2 is set to a value different from the value of useSSL

In this case, a second listener port is enabled, and the listener and flowchart processes use the mode of communication specified by useSSLForPort2.

The Campaign web application always uses the communication mode specified by useSSL when communicating to the listener.

When SSL is enabled for communication between the Campaign listener and flowchart processes, set the value of this property (serverPort2) to an appropriate port.

Default value



Configuration category

This property applies only to a single-node listener configuration. If you have a clustered listener configuration, this property is ignored. (Instead, define useSSLForPort2 for each individual node, under Campaign|unicaACListener|node[n].)

For information, see the description for serverPort2, in this category.

Default value


Valid Values



Configuration category

This property applies to both clustered and non-clustered listener configurations. For a clustered configuration, this property applies to all of the listener nodes in the cluster.

Use the keepalive property to specify, in seconds, the frequency with which the Campaign web application server sends keep alive messages on otherwise-inactive socket connections to the Campaign listener.

Using the keepalive configuration parameter enables socket connections to remain open through extended periods of application inactivity in environments configured to close inactive connections between the web application and the listener (for example, a firewall).

When there is activity on a socket, the keep alive period is automatically reset. At the DEBUG logging level in the web application server, the campaignweb.log will show evidence of the keep alive messages as they are sent to the listener.

Default value

0, which disables the keepalive feature

Valid Values

positive integers