Campaign | unicaACListener | node [n]

A non-clustered listener configuration should not have any nodes under this category. Nodes are created and used only for clustered listener configurations. For a clustered listener configuration, configure an individual child node for each listener in the cluster.

If clustering is enabled, you must configure at least one child node or an error occurs during startup.
Important: Never remove a node from the configuration unless you first stop all of the clustered listener nodes. Otherwise, any existing sessions on the removed listener continue to run but the master listener will not be able to contact the removed listener node. This can cause unexpected results.


Configuration category

This property applies only if you have a clustered listener configuration. This property identifies each individual listener node in a cluster.

For each node, specify the hostname of the machine where the Campaign listener is installed.

Default value

No default value assigned.


Configuration category

This property applies only if you have a clustered listener configuration. This property identifies the port that is used for communication between each clustered listener node and the HCL® Campaign web application server.

The specified port is also used for communication between listener nodes.

Default value

No default value assigned.


Configuration category

Optional. This property applies only if you have a clustered listener configuration. You can set this property for each clustered listener node. For information about how to use this property, read the description for Campaign|unicaACListener|serverPort2.

Default value
Valid Values


Configuration category

Optional. This property applies only if you have a clustered listener configuration. You can set this property for each clustered listener node. For information about how to use this property, read the description for Campaign|unicaACListener|serverPort2.

Default value



Configuration category

This property applies only if you have a clustered listener configuration.

A cluster always includes one master listener. All clients, including the HCL Campaign web server application, the Campaign Server Manager (unica_svradm), and utilities such as unica_acsesutil, use the masterListenerPriority to identify the master listener.

Any node in the cluster can act as the master listener. The masterListenerPriority determines which node initially acts as the master listener. It also determines which listener will take over as the master listener in failover situations. Ideally, the listener node with the most processing power should be assigned the highest priority.

Priority 1 is the highest priority. Assign a 1 to the machine that you want to be the master listener. That machine will serve as the master listener unless it goes down or cannot be contacted, for example due to a network issue. Assign a 2 to the next machine, and so on.

You must assign a priority to every listener in the cluster. If you do not want a machine to serve as the master listener, assign it the lowest priority (10). However, you cannot prohibit a listener from being designated as master. In a clustered listener configuration, one listener must always serve as the master.

If the designated master listener cannot be contacted, then the next machine becomes the master listener, based on its assigned priority.

If multiple nodes have the same priority, the system selects the first of those nodes from the list of nodes in this category.

Note: After you change the priority, run the unica_svradm refresh command to inform the master listener of the change.
Default value

No default value assigned.

Valid Values

1 (high) through 10 (low)


Configuration category

This property applies only if you have a clustered listener configuration. This property controls load balancing among clustered nodes. Each node in a cluster can process a portion of the total application traffic. Adjust the weight for each listener node to determine how much load the node will get. A higher value assigns a greater proportion of the load, so more transactions are given to that listener node.

Assign higher values to machines that have more processing capacity. Assign lower values to less powerful or more heavily loaded machines. A value of 0 prohibits the listener from processing any transactions and typically is not used. If multiple nodes have the same weight, the system selects the first of those nodes from the list of nodes in this category.

Note: After you change the weight, run the unica_svradm refresh command to inform the master listener of the change.

You have three physical hosts: A, B, and C. Host A is the most powerful machine and Host C is the least capable, so you assign weights as follows: A=4, B=3, C=2. To see how requests will be allocated, sum the weights and divide by the number of listeners: 4+3+2=9. In this scenario, listener A processes 4 of every 9 transactions, listener B processes 3 of every 9 transactions, and listener C processes the remaining 2 of every 9 transactions. The scheduling sequence for this cluster is AABABCABC. As requests come in, the sequence continues, ensuring that the requests are distributed across the nodes.

Default value

No default value assigned.

Valid Values

0 through 10 (highest priority)