Advanced search page for objects other than assets

When you click Search on the list page for most Unica Plan objects, the system displays a page with the following fields.

Table 1. Advanced Search options for other objects
Control Description
Search for Enter text to indicate the objects for which you are searching.
Select items Specify whether the search needs to match all or any of the search criteria. The default is all.
Condition Construct a search condition by specifying the following options:
  • Select the template on which to base the condition.
  • Select the attribute for which you want to search.
  • Select the search operator.
  • Enter the value for the criteria.

For example, search for projects with names that include the word Marketing.

  • Select All Enabled to search on all enabled project templates.
  • Select Project Name.
  • Select Contains .
  • Type Marketing.
Grouping Construct a grouping for the search results by specifying the following options:
  • Select all or any for the grouping criteria.
  • Supply the remainder of the grouping criteria as described for constructing the Condition.
Insert a new condition Insert a new line for entering a condition.
Insert a new grouping Insert a new line for grouping the search criteria.
Remove selected Remove any selected conditions or groupings.
Save as Save your criteria as a named search. Unica Plan administrators can publish a search by selecting the Publish check box.
Apply Complete the search based on the criteria that you specified.
Reset Reset the dialog box to clearing the criteria that you specified.
Close Close the dialog box without completing the search.