Generating the Budget Summary by Quarter report

The Budget Summary by Quarter report displays budget information by quarter for the selected project, program, or plan, and fiscal year. For programs and plans, data rolls up from contributing projects and programs.

About this task

Note: This report requires the Financial Management Module.

To generate the Budget Summary by Quarter report, complete the following steps.


  1. From the Operations menu, select one of the following report options:
    • Projects
    • Programs
    • Plans
  2. Click the Analysis tab.
  3. Select Report Type > Budget Summary by Quarter.

    The report for the current fiscal year displays. If there is data for more than one year, you can choose a different fiscal year for the report from the Fiscal Year menu.


Data is organized for the selected fiscal year, as follows:

Table 1. Data on the Budget Summary by Quarter report
Section Description
Summary table This table displays summary budget information:
  • Rows: Different breakdowns of the budget, such as actual/remaining, committed/uncommitted, and forecast/available
  • Columns: Fiscal year total, then one column for each quarter
Note: For projects, the report consists of only this table.
Details table For programs and plans, this table shows budget information that is rolled up from subordinate objects.
  • Rows: For a program report, each project that is part of the program has its own row. Similarly, for a plan report, each program has its own row.
  • Columns: Each quarter has columns for rollup budget, rollup forecast, rollup committed, and rollup actual.