Attribute types list

The following attribute types are available in Unica Plan.

Table 1. Attribute types
Attribute type Description
Text - Single-Line Presents a field for a single line of text.
Text - Multi-Line Presents a field for a multiple-line text response.
Single-Select Displays the items in a hardcoded drop-down list or as a set of radio buttons for users to select a single item. Not available for cell attributes. You can build rules to make other attributes visible in the form using single-select attributes.
Single-Select - Database Displays the values from a database lookup table in a drop-down list or as a set of radio buttons for users to select a single item. Not available for cell attributes. You can build rules to make other attributes visible in the form using single-select database attributes.
Multiple-Select - Database Displays the values from a database lookup table in a multi-select list or in a group of check boxes for users to select one or more items. Only available for form and grid attributes.
Yes or No Provides controls for users to choose between two options (such as True and False). You can select a drop-down list, a set of radio buttons, or a group of check boxes.
Date Select Displays a field that is formatted to accept a date, and a control for users to select a date from a calendar.
Integer Displays a field that is formatted to accept an integer value, such as a percentile or weight.
Decimal Displays a field that is formatted to accept a fractional number, such as 3.45.
Money Displays a field that is formatted to accept a monetary value.
User-Select Displays a list of all system users so that users can select a user. (Only available for form and grid attributes.)
External Datasource This attribute type provides controls to open an LDAP search dialog and populate the field with Active Directory users. You can use this attribute type on the Summary tab or a custom tab. This attribute is only available for form attributes.
Calculated Displays and stores the result of simple calculations on other fields.
URL Field Displays a hyperlink to a web page. Only available for grid attributes.
Single Select Object Reference References marketing objects on a form or grid. Only available for form and grid attributes.
Multi-Select Object Reference References marketing objects on a form or editable grid. Only available for form and grid attributes.
Image Displays a user-specified graphic. Only available for form attributes.
Creative URL Provides a control for users to select an existing digital asset or add another asset. This attribute then displays a hyperlink to that asset. Only available for the standard Creative URL attribute.
Rich text type Allows the user to enter the text and format it

The following attribute types are available for local attributes only.

Table 2. Attribute types available for local attributes only
Attribute type Description
Object Attribute Field Reference Displays an existing attribute of a marketing object. Only available for form and grid attributes.
Single List Object Reference Used to reference marketing objects on a read-only grid. Only available for grid attributes.
Dependent fields Adds fields whose values are constrained by another field.