Brief and detailed views of tasks

The brief view mode contains only the most essential information about a task: the task name and task ID. Detailed mode contains additional information about the project to which the task belongs. Use the Set View Options dialog box or the Calendar/Timeline Settings page to choose brief or detailed mode to view information about tasks on the calendar.

Brief mode is the default. Brief view mode presents only the most essential information and can reduce clutter. In brief mode, the calendar text contains the following items.

  • Task (Clipboard image) or approval (Thumbs up image) symbol
  • Task ID
  • Name of the task

Detailed mode provides all important information at a glance. In detailed mode, the text contains the following items.

  • Task (Clipboard image) or approval (Thumbs up image) symbol
  • Name for the project that contains the task
  • Code for the project that contains the task
  • Task ID
  • Name of the task