Creating the Message Connector links

To use the Message Connector to provide custom offer images when an end-user interacts with your electronic media (such as by opening an email message), and custom landing pages when the end-user clicks through the offer, you need to create the links to embed in your message. This section provides a summary of the HTML tagging of those links.

About this task

Regardless of the system you use to generate your outgoing messages to end users, you need to generate the HTML tagging to contain the appropriate fields (provided in the HTML tags as attributes) containing information you want to pass to the Interact runtime server. Follow the steps below to configure the minimum information needed for a Message Connector message.

Note that although the instructions here refer specifically to messages containing Message Connector links, you can follow the same steps and configuration to add links to web pages or any other electronic media.


  1. Create the IMG link that will appear in your message with, at a minimum, the following parameters:
    • msgID, indicating the unique identifier for this message.

    • linkID, indicating the unique identifier for the link in the message.

    • audienceID, the identifier of the audience to which the recipient of the message belongs.

      Note that if the audience ID is a composite ID, all of those components must be included in the link.

    You may also include optional parameters that include audience level, interactive channel name, interaction point name, image location URL, and your own custom parameters not specifically used by the Message Connector.
  2. Optionally, create an A link that encloses the IMG link so that, when the user clicks the image, the browser loads a page containing the offer for the user.
    The A link must also contain the three parameters listed above (msgID, linkID, and audienceID), plus any optional parameters (audience level, interactive channel name, and interactive point name) and custom parameters not specifically used by the Message Connector.
    Note that the A link will most likely contain a Message Connector IMG link, but can also stand alone on the page as needed. If the link does contain an IMG link, the IMG link should contain the same set of parameters as the enclosing A link (including any optional or custom parameters).
  3. When the links are correctly defined, generate and send the email messages.


For detailed information on the available parameters, and sample links, see "IMG" and "A" tag HTTP Request parameters