Set Audience

Use the Set Audience tag to set the audience ID and level for a visitor.

The following tag fields are available for the Set Audience tag.

Table 1. Set Audience tags

Set Audience tags

Tag Field Description
*Session ID Identifies the Session ID.
*Audience ID Identifies the Audience ID. The names must match the physical column names of any table containing the Audience ID. The Audience ID cannot contain more that 17 significant digits. If an Audience ID is more than 17 significant digits must be partitioned or the Audience ID must be changed to a string.
*Audience Level Defines the Audience Level.
On Success Callback Function Name Defines the name of the function to be called when the set audience method is successful.
On Failure Callback Function Name Defines the name of the function to be called when the set audience method fails.

Any Tag Field marked with an * is required.

Optional parameters can be added with the custom tag field feature. Custom tag names must consist of the parameter name, a colon, and the data type.