Email notification management

Unica Campaign can send email notifications to user's "About flowchart" status.

Unica Campaign must send notifications to the configured user's email ID for the following flowchart statuses.
  1. Flowchart Run
  2. Flowchart Finish (Ran Successfully)
  3. Flowchart Stop
  4. Flowchart Pause
  5. Flowchart Continue
  6. Flowchart Failure
For details on how to configure user email ID in Platform Email Notification, see the "Alert and notification management" and "Unica | General | Communication | Email" topics in Unica Platform Administrator Guide.
Note: Unica Campaign will send email notifications to user's “About flowchart” status, but only if the value of configuration property enableEmailCommunication (Campaign|partitions| partition[n]|server|flowchartRun) is set to TRUE. Users can specify the flowchart statuses for which they want to receive email notifications through the configuration parameter eventForSendingEmail (Campaign|partitions| partition[n]|server|flowchartRun), its value is ALL by default. If value of eventForSendingEmail configuration property is ALL, then users will be receiving email notifications for all flowchart statuses. If a user wants to receive email notifications only for specific flowchart statuses, they can modify the value of the eventForSendingEmail parameter accordingly.

Email format

Subject: Unica Campaign Execution Status <PASS> / <FAILED> / <STOPPED>/ <PAUSED> - <CAMPAIGN_NAME>-- <FLOWCHART_NAME>


Hello <USERNAME> – This is platform user name who triggers the flowchart execution.

See the following Unica Campaign flowchart execution details.

Campaign name: <CAMPAIGN_NAME> – Name of the Campaign

Flowchart name: <FLOWCHART_NAME> – Name of the flowchart under execution

Execution Status: <PASS> / <FAILED> / <STOPPED>/ <PAUSED> – Flowchart execution statuses

Execution Start time: <START TIME> – Start time of the flowchart execution

Execution complete time: <END TIME> – End time of the flowchart execution, if its paused then the time when the flowchart is paused.

Execution Type – <PRODUCTION/TEST> – If flowchart is executed in test mode or in production mode.

Email-based Template

From V12.1.7 onwards, we have included email templates (email subject and body template) for different locales in Campaign_home\partitions\partition_name\flowchartEmailTemplates folder, which user can customize as per their requirement. User can individually select different locale based on their preferences under Settings > Users > Edit Preference.

Uses will receive emails based on their locale preference.

If the template folder is not present at the desired location, then user will receive mails in default format.

Email Format

Campaign Execution Status - ${executionStatus} for ${campaignName} - ${flowchartName}
<span>Please find below Campaign flowchart execution details:</span>
Campaign name: ${campaignName}<br/>
Flowchart Name: ${flowchartName}<br/>
Execution Status: ${executionStatus}<br/>
Execution Start Time: ${executionStarttime}<br/>
Execution End Time: <#if executionEndTime?has_content>${executionEndTime}</#if><br/>
Execution Type: ${executionType}