
authorizationLoginName: User name of the user that creates the offer. Users must be granted the Add Offers permission to use this method.

partitionName: optional name of the campaign partition to use.

requestedLocale: optional locale to use for this request.

securityPolicyName: optional name of the campaign security policy to use to create the offer. All subsequent operations on this offer use this policy. If not defined, the Global policy is used.

name: the name to assign the new offer instance (its uacName attribute).

folderID: the ID of the Offer folder where the offer is created. This ID is validated for the correctness and an exception is thrown if the ID is invalid.

templateName: required (unique) name of an Existing Offer Template that should be used for the new Offer.

wsAttributes: an array of initialization attributes; any supplied attributes overwrite the offer's default values; others are left untouched. For example, if a uacOfferCode attribute is supplied, it is used instead of an auto-generated one. It is up to the client to determine the attributes that are required by the offer, their types, etc.

Throws CampaignServicesException if one of the following conditions occurs:

  • The folderID parameter is invalid (non-existent or not of type offer).
  • The user is not authorized to perform this operation.
  • Invalid attributes are supplied in wsAttributes.
  • Other runtime exceptions occur.