SOAP API methods: Campaigns and flowcharts

The Unica Campaign SOAP API supports the following operations on campaigns and flowcharts (subject to security permissions).

  • create a campaign
  • discovery (list campaigns by various criteria)
  • attribute create, read, and update (via attribute APIs)
  • stop flowchart run

Campaigns have a number of standard attributes that are associated with them that are exposed by the API. This list can be extended at will by the client by adding custom attributes (see the Attributes APIs).

The standard campaign attributes are listed below:

  • uacName: campaign name (not guaranteed unique).
  • uacDescription: optional string that describes the campaign.
  • uacCampaignCode: a string code that uniquely identifies the campaign. Typically generated by Campaign, but may be provided by the client.
  • uacCreateDate: a Calendar that indicates the date and time when the campaign was created by the server.
  • uacUpdateDate: a Calendar that indicates the date and time when the campaign was last updated by the server.
  • uacInitiative: optional string that defines the campaign initiative.
  • uacObjectives: optional string that identifies the objectives of the campaign.
  • uacStartDate: an optional Calendar that provides the date and time when the campaign was started by the server, or is scheduled to start.
  • uacEndDate: as with uacStartDate, but defines the date and time when the campaign was completed or is scheduled to be completed. Must be after the uacStartDate.
  • uacLastRunDate: an optional Calendar that indicates the date and time when any flowchart bound to the campaign was last run (else null).
  • uacExternalLinkOwner: an optional string that defines the name of the owner of an external link (see uacExternalLinkReference attribute). use only; must be one of the following:
    • "Plan" (now known as Unica Plan)
    • "Collaborate" (now known as Unica Collaborate)
  • uacExternalLinkId: an optional numeric database identifier that is assigned by another application to an object linked to this campaign. use only: see also the uacExternalLinkOwner attribute.