
public WSCreateSmartOfferListResponse createSmartOfferList
(String userCredential, String partitionName, Locale requestedLocale, 
String name, String description,String policyName,
WSReference parentFolder,WSSmartListInfo offerListInfo,
WSApplicationTypeEnum createdBy,long creatorObjectId)
 throws CampaignServicesException 																																																

Creates new smart offer list.


userCredential: the client user credential.

partitionName: optional name of the campaign partition to use.

requestedLocale: optional locale to use for this request.

name: name of folder to create.

description: description for new folder.

securityPolicyName: name of security policy to use.

parentFolder: id of folder where offerlist must be created.

offerListInfo: object of type WSSmartListInfo.

createdBy: (optional) object of type WSApplicationTypeEnum indicates which application created the folder. Possible values- Campaign/Plan/Collaborate/Deliver. If not provided, campaign is used.

creatorObjectId: (optional) used by Plan (HCL Plan) to link a folder in Campaign with a folder in Plan.


Returns object of type WSCreateSmartOfferListResponse.


Throws CampaignServicesException if parentFolder id is invalid or offerListInfo is not provided.

Throws CampaignServicesException if list name is duplicate.