
public WSMoveFolderResponse moveFolders(String userCredential, 
String partitionName, Locale requestedLocale, Long[] folderId, 
long parentFolder,long destinationFolder,
 WSFolderTypeEnum folderType)
 throws CampaignServicesException																														 																			

Moves specified folder to other parent folder.


userCredential: the client user credential.

partitionName: optional name of the campaign partition to use.

requestedLocale: optional locale to use for this request.

folderId: folder id to delete.

parentFolder: id of parent folder.

destinationFolder: id of destination folder where the specified folder is moved.

folderType: type of folder-Offer/session/campaign/segment.


Returns object of type WSMoveFolderResponse.


Throws CampaignServicesException if the folder type or parent folder id is invalid or if folder id is invalid.