
public WSGetOffersByQueryResponse getOffersByQuery(String user_credential,
 String partition_name, Locale locale, String query, Integer maxSize,
Boolean includeSubFolder, WSReference[] scopeFolders)
 throws CampaignServicesException																																																																																																																										

Lists offers matching provided offers.


userCredential: the client user credential.

partitionName: optional name of the campaign partition to use.

requestedLocale: optional locale to use for this request.

query: query to find offers. Format of query is the same as used in smart offerlist.

maxSize: maximum records to list.

includeSubFolder: flag that indicates whether a subfolder must be included in search.

scopeFolders: list of folder references to be searched in for offers.


Returns object of type WSGetOffersByQueryResponse.


Throws CampaignServicesException if folder references are invalid.