Creating campaigns

Follow these instructions to create a marketing campaign in Unica Campaign.

About this task

Each campaign has a business objective, a corporate-defined initiative specific to your marketing plan, and a date range during which the campaign is effective.

Note: If Unica Campaign is integrated with Unica Plan, you create campaigns from the Operations > Projects menu. See the Unica Plan documentation for more information.


  1. Select Campaign > Campaigns.

    The All campaigns page displays the folders or campaigns in the current partition.

  2. Click Add campaign .
  3. Complete the Campaign summary fields on the New campaign page.
    Choose Help > Help for this page to see explanations of each field.
    Note: Ensure that you do not use the following invalid characters (%?|:,<>&\/"+$<tab>)* under the Campaign name attribute value. These special characters are not supported for the Campaign Name field.
  4. Do one of the following actions:
    • Click Save and finish to save and close the campaign. Use this approach if you want to do other initial steps before you create and add flowcharts. For example, you can create and associate offers and strategic segments with a campaign before you create and add flowcharts.
    • Click Save and add a flowchart to immediately start creating a flowchart for the campaign.

What to do next

Regional Preference
Campaign has introduced integration with Contact Central. On Campaign Create/Edit/Display summary screen a new dropdown* has been added which will list down all the available regional preferences defined in Contact Central. A new flag named contactCentralEnabled has been introduced to control the display of Regional Preference field.
Note: The drop down is displayed only when the contact central flag is enabled in configuration.
Typically, your next step is to add a flowchart to the campaign.