Resource usage

There are commands which can help you determine your system's memory usage.

Mem Show

Use the Mem Show command to determine the current memory usage for IBM Traveler. The IBM Traveler server is implemented as a Java Domino® server task, so it uses memory from both the Java memory heap and native Domino® memory.

The following example shows the output of the Tell Traveler mem command. The command shows a snapshot of the memory and processor usages over the last 24 hours in 15 minute intervals at the beginning of the display. Each of the intervals show an estimate of the processor usage over the 15 minute interval as well as a current snapshot of both the Java Memory and C Native memory. This allows the administrator to see trends of the processor and memory usage over a 24 hour period. Detailed memory usage statistics follow the snapshot interval information.

Use the command tell traveler mem to report memory utilization by the primary IBM Traveler process.
 CPU and Memory (MB) Usage History  
 Date                       CPU Pct    Java Mem   C Mem      Avl Indx   # Users    # Errors  # DB Conn 
 2012-11-09 03:49:17 EST    0.20       48         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 04:04:17 EST    0.42       38         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 04:19:17 EST    0.23       42         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 04:34:17 EST    0.44       23         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 04:49:17 EST    0.37       73         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 05:04:17 EST    0.28       83         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 05:19:17 EST    0.21       67         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 05:34:17 EST    0.37       82         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 05:49:17 EST    0.22       23         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 06:04:18 EST    0.46       52         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 06:19:18 EST    0.27       40         2747       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 06:34:18 EST    1.00       70         2757       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 06:49:18 EST    0.31       95         2757       100        39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 07:04:18 EST    0.24       32         2755       100        39         287       1         
 2012-11-09 07:19:18 EST    1.11       50         2755       99         39         287       0         
 2012-11-09 07:34:19 EST    1.74       88         2757       99         39         290       0         
 2012-11-09 07:49:19 EST    0.76       75         2744       100        39         290       0         
 2012-11-09 08:04:19 EST    3.68       28         2744       97         39         290       0         
 2012-11-09 08:19:20 EST    2.87       85         2747       98         39         293       0         
 2012-11-09 08:34:20 EST    1.08       32         2744       99         39         293       0         
 2012-11-09 08:49:20 EST    1.21       53         2744       99         39         294       0         
 2012-11-09 09:04:20 EST    1.94       32         2745       99         39         294       1         
 2012-11-09 09:19:20 EST    1.37       76         2744       99         39         294       0         
 2012-11-09 09:34:20 EST    2.98       72         2744       98         39         294       0         
 2012-11-09 09:49:20 EST    1.30       79         2744       99         39         294       0         
 2012-11-09 10:04:22 EST    1.44       92         2745       99         39         294       0         
 2012-11-09 10:19:22 EST    1.43       29         2743       99         39         294       0         
 2012-11-09 10:34:22 EST    2.20       34         2742       98         39         294       0         
 2012-11-09 10:49:22 EST    3.96       59         2743       97         39         294       1         
 2012-11-09 11:04:22 EST    1.78       63         2743       99         39         294       0         
 2012-11-09 11:19:23 EST    3.53       37         2745       97         39         296       0         
 2012-11-09 11:34:23 EST    1.24       52         2743       99         39         296       1         
 2012-11-09 11:49:24 EST    1.49       83         2742       99         39         296       1         
 2012-11-09 12:04:24 EST    1.05       45         2742       99         39         296       0         
 2012-11-09 12:19:24 EST    1.62       66         2742       99         39         296       0         
 2012-11-09 12:34:25 EST    1.23       91         2746       99         39         296       1         
 2012-11-09 12:49:25 EST    3.50       39         2748       97         39         299       2         
 2012-11-09 13:04:25 EST    15.26      40         2750       85         39         300       1         
 2012-11-09 13:19:25 EST    1.62       25         2749       99         39         300       0         

 Current Memory Usage  
 Java Memory Usage 
  Max Total  1024 MB 
  Current Total  96 MB 
  Free   998 MB (97 percent of Max Total) 
  Allocated  26 MB (3 percent of Max Total) 
 C Memory Usage 
  Total Virtual  8388608 MB 
  Total Physical  6142 MB 
  Allocated  2748 MB (45 percent of Total Physical) 
 Current Usage 
  Java   26 MB 
  C   2748 MB 

In this example, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for IBM Traveler has allocated only 96 MB of heap memory and 57 MB of that heap is still free. So this server is well below the maximum Java heap limit of 512 MB. The C Mem Virtual Usage section reports the overall process memory, which includes any memory allocated by the Java heap and all other Domino® shared memory. In this example 8388608 MB can be used for this process, and there are 8387017 MB free for further allocation. When IBM Traveler is running on a 32-bit Domino® server (Either Windows or Linux), the limit for the application C memory space is 2 GB by default. If this was a 64-bit Windows server, then the maximum available memory would be 4 GB if the Domino® server code was 32-bit and higher than 4 GB if the Domino® server code was 64-bit.


This command will display the number of records being tracked across all IBM Traveler users. It will also display the most prominent ten consumers of mail, calendar, contacts, To Do, Notes® and Mail Folders on the IBM Traveler server or server pool, along with the PIM filters that users have selected. To get a list of all users on the system, ordered by most to least usage, run the command tell traveler dbusage *, which will print to the console. As this can be a significant amount of output, you can put this information into a systemdump text file using the command tell traveler systemdump dbusage.

The below is a sample output from a dbusage command:
tell traveler dbusage
 IBM Traveler Database Statistics

 Accounts        : 41
 Devices         : 104
 Device documents: 167282
 Domino documents: 54155

 Highest Total Usage                 Documents    Percentage
 Samantha Daryn/Southeast/ACME         9669         17.85     
 Pat Shani/Southeast/ACME         7318         13.51     
 Amadou Alain/Southeast/ACME            5688         10.50     
 Bill Ranney/Southeast/ACME       4821         8.90      
 Monifa Jackson/Southeast/ACME          2949         5.45      
 Kelly Hardart/Southeast/ACME             1945         3.59      
 Nora Shin/Southeast/ACME             1606         2.97      
 Glenn Cloud/Southeast/ACME         1437         2.65      
 Liz Schonfeld/Southeast/ACME       1337         2.47      
 Ron Segal /Southeast/ACME           1175         2.17      

 Mail documents: 35342
 Highest Mail usage                  Documents    Percentage EMail filter        
 Dan Misawa/Southeast/ACME         9286         26.27      unlimited           
 Vijay Nehru/Southeast/ACME         6148         17.40      30 days             
 Rita Ferrar/Southeast/ACME       4736         13.40      30 days             
 Simone Dray/Southeast/ACME            1574         4.45       30 days             
 Kristin MacGyver/Southeast/ACME          1251         3.54       30 days             
 Gail Chao/Southeast/ACME             1149         3.25       7 days              
 Sam Curman/Southeast/ACME             1057         2.99       5 days              
 Amy Blanks/Southeast/ACME         804          2.27       14 days             
 Paul Zhou/Southeast/ACME          693          1.96       unlimited           
 Jack Smith/Southeast/ACME          683          1.93       7 days              

 Calendar documents: 7842
 Highest Calendar usage              Documents    Percentage Event filter        
 Simone Dray/Southeast/ACME            2656         33.87      unlimited           
 Pat Daryn/Southeast/ACME          645          8.22       unlimited           
 Sam Curman/Southeast/ACME             490          6.25       90 days             
 Jack Daryn/Southeast/ACME          406          5.18       30 days             
 Chris Brown/Southeast/ACME            341          4.35       30 days             
 Amy Blanks/Southeast/ACME         333          4.25       30 days             
 Sam Brown/Southeast/ACME           274          3.49       unlimited           
 Kelly Brown/Southeast/ACME           226          2.88       30 days             
 Gail Chao/Southeast/ACME             209          2.67       30 days             
 Kristin MacGyver/Southeast/ACME          207          2.64       30 days             

 Contacts documents: 5430
 Highest Contacts usage              Documents    Percentage Contact filter      
 Kelly Green/Southeast/ACME       1199         22.08      unlimited           
 Simone Dray/Southeast/ACME            848          15.62      unlimited           
 Vijay Nehru/Southeast/ACME         813          14.97      unlimited           
 Sam Morgan/Southeast/ACME           464          8.55       unlimited           
 Sam Curman/Southeast/ACME             330          6.08       unlimited           
 Kelly Morgan/Southeast/ACME            257          4.73       unlimited           
 Kelly Brown/Southeast/ACME           169          3.11       unlimited           
 Pat Shani/Southeast/ACME            165          3.04       unlimited           
 Gail Chao/Southeast/ACME             159          2.93       unlimited           
 Samantha Daryn/Southeast/ACME         150          2.76       unlimited           

 To Do documents: 215
 Highest To Do usage                 Documents    Percentage Task filter         
 Pat Daryn/Southeast/ACME          35           16.28      incomplete only     
 Amadou Alain/Southeast/ACME        34           15.81      incomplete only     
 Bill Ranney/Southeast/ACME          25           11.63      incomplete only     
 Samantha Daryn/Southeast/ACME       17           7.91       incomplete only     
 Monica Monroe/Almaden/ACME      14           6.51       incomplete only     
 Jack Smith/Southeast/ACME          10           4.65       incomplete only     
 David Slider/Southeast/ACME           8            3.72       incomplete only     
 Jack Pierce/Southeast/ACME          7            3.26       incomplete only     
 Gail Chao/Southeast/ACME             7            3.26       incomplete only     
 Kelly Green/Southeast/ACME       7            3.26       incomplete only     

 Notebook documents: 1
 Highest Notebook usage              Documents    Percentage Note filter         
 Sam Morgan/Southeast/ACME           1            100.00     7 days              

 Folder documents: 5121
 Highest Folder usage                Documents    Percentage Folder filter       
 Kristin MacGyver/Southeast/ACME          1380         26.95      unlimited           
 Simone Dray/Southeast/ACME            604          11.79      unlimited           
 Porter Ebbs/Southeast/ACME            426          8.32       unlimited           
 Kelly Brown/Southeast/ACME           425          8.30       unlimited           
 Amy Blanks/Southeast/ACME         518          4.26       unlimited           
 Jack Daryn/Southeast/ACME          200          3.91       unlimited           
 Sam Morgan/Southeast/ACME           180          3.51       unlimited           
 Vijay Nehru/Southeast/ACME         177          3.46       unlimited           
 Bill Ranney/Southeast/ACME          165          3.22       unlimited           
 Martin Johnson/Southeast/ACME            110          2.15       unlimited           

 Command DbUsage complete.