Setting up click-to-call

Click-to-call enables users of the IBM® Sametime® Web client and Connect client to make calls if the administrator has configured Sametime Unified Telephony or a third-party telephony server.

Before you begin

Before completing this task, ensure that your telephony conferencing server is configured correctly. If you will use Sametime Unified Telephony, make sure the following tasks have been completed before attempting to create the connection as described in this topic:

About this task

Complete the following steps to connect the Sametime Proxy server to the telephone conferencing server (if you are using Sametime Unified Telephony, you will connect to the Telephony Application Server).


  1. Login to the Sametime System Console with administrator privileges.


  2. Expand the Sametime System Console twistie.
  3. Select Sametime Proxy Servers
  4. Select the Deployment Name for the Sametime Proxy Server deployment you wish to configure.
  5. Select a telephony service based on your deployment's features:
    • No telephony (default)
    • Enable TCSPI (Telephony Control Service Provider Interface)

      For information on creating a TCSPI adapter for Sametime, see the Client Telephony API Guide in the SDK.

    • Enable Sametime Unified Telephony

      Requires that Sametime Unified Telephony be deployed and running. If you select this option, provide the Host name and Port (9443 is the default port of the Telephony Application Server when SSL is enabled). For information about the Telephony Application Server, see the topic Telephony Application Server.

  6. Enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption by clicking Enable SSL.
    Note: This step is required when you use Sametime Unified Telephony.
  7. Click OK, and then click Apply.
  8. Restart the server if you are using Sametime Unified Telephony.