Configuring connectivity to a Sametime Community Server

By default, the IBM® Sametime® Proxy Server works with an entire Sametime community, but you can optionally configure it to work with one or more Sametime Community Server clusters instead.

Before you begin

Before completing this task, ensure that Sametime Community Server is configured correctly.

About this task

Complete the following steps to connect the Sametime Proxy Server to a specific Sametime Community Server cluster. If you have more than one cluster of Sametime Community Servers, use this procedure to designate which cluster a Sametime Proxy Server connects to. For example, if you have a Sametime Community Server cluster in Europe and one in the Americas, you would want to designate that a Sametime Proxy Server in Europe connect to the cluster in Europe.


  1. Login to the Sametime System Console with administrator privileges.


  2. Expand the Sametime System Console twistie.
  3. Select Sametime Proxy Servers
  4. Select the Deployment Name for the Sametime Proxy Server deployment you wish to configure.
  5. The List of Sametime Community Server cluster names field designates which Sametime Community Server or cluster to connect to the current Sametime Proxy Server in a distributed environment. Review the following options and determine which option suits your environment:
    • Option 1: Enter cluster names to specify the name of each cluster. Separate each cluster name with a comma (,).

      For example: CN=abc/O=ABC,CN=efg/O=EFG

    • Option 2: Enter the fully qualified internet host name of each individual server. Separate each server name with a comma (,).

      For example:,

    • Option 3: leave the field blank.
      Leave this field empty in the following situations:
      • You want to connect to all Sametime Community Servers simultaneously
      • You have only one Sametime Community Server deployed
      • You have only one Sametime Community Server cluster deployed
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click the Save link in the "Messages" box at the beginning of the page.
  8. Restart the server or cluster:
    • For a stand-alone server, restart it now as follows:
      1. On the server's Configuration page, click the Status tab.
      2. On the Status page, click the Start/Restart button at the beginning of the table.
      3. Click the Refresh button and verify that all components are active.
    • For a clustered server, synchronize nodes and restart the cluster as follows:
      1. In the Deployment Manager's Integrated Solutions Console, click System Administration > Nodes.
      2. Select all nodes in the cluster
      3. Click Full Resynchronize.
      4. In the navigator, click System Administration > Node agents.
      5. Click a node agent, and then click Restart; repeat for each node agent.