Importing an SSL certificate from Sametime Unified Telephony

If you plan to configure telephony services in your deployment using IBM® Sametime® Unified Telephony, import the Telephony Application Server SSL certificate into the Sametime Proxy Server's truststore.

Before you begin

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption is required for telephony services. You must import the telephony server's SSL certificate into the Sametime Proxy Server's truststore before you enable SSL between Sametime Proxy Server and Sametime Unified Telephony.

For information about the Telephony Application Server, see the topic Telephony Application Server.


  1. Copy the SSL certificate from Sametime Unified Telephony:
    1. On the Telephony Application Server, log in to the IBM WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
    2. Click Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > NodeDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates.
    3. Select the Alias default_signer or the appropriate one, if you customized, and click Extract.
    4. Type a file name for storing the signer certificate.
      The WebSphere Application Server console for the Telephony Application Server displays the location of the extracted certificate. For example:
      Note this location because you need to copy the file to the live names proxy server in the following step.
  2. Move the file from the previous step to the etc/ directory under the deployment manager profile for the Live Names Proxy cell.
    For example:
  3. Now import the SSL certificate into the Sametime Proxy Server's truststore:
    1. On the Sametime Proxy Server, log in to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
    2. Click Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > CellDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Type an alias for the certificate; for example, "SUT".
    5. Type the name of the file where you stored the SSL certificate.
    6. Click Apply.
    7. Save the imported certificate by clicking Save in the "Messages" box at the beginning of the page.
    8. Restart the Sametime Proxy Server.