Installing the Sametime Video Manager

Install the IBM® Sametime® Video Manager on Linux™. The Sametime Video Manager must be installed prior to installing the Sametime Conference Manager or the combined PR+CF, depending on which of the two you are installing. The Video Manager must be installed on a dedicated server.

Before you begin

Note that n-way calls are not supported by the Sametime Communicate offering, so there is no need to install the Sametime Video Manager for that deployment. If you want to support n-way calls with the Sametime Conference or Sametime Complete offering, install both the Sametime Video Manager and the Sametime Video MCU.

Restriction: Do not change the installation path for the Video Manager. By default, the Video MCU is installed in the /opt directory; this location is required for proper operation of the server.


  1. On the computer where you will install the Video Manager, log on as root.
  2. Disable requiretty by completing the following steps:
    1. Open a command window.
    2. Open the vi editor by running the following command: sudo /usr/sbin/visudo
    3. In the editor, switch to Insert mode.
    4. Do one of the following:
      • If the Defaults !requiretty statement appears in the file, leave it alone.
      • If the Defaults requiretty statement appears in the file, change it to Defaults !requiretty by inserting the ! character.
      • If there is no Defaults requiretty or Defaults !requiretty statement in the file, add the Defaults !requiretty statement.
    5. Save and close the file.
  3. From a command prompt, ensure that entering the following command returns the correct, fully qualified host name of the server:

    hostname -f

    If the fully qualified host name of the server does not display, your install may not work correctly.
  4. Find the software packages you need to download.
  5. Download the packages.
  6. Extract all downloaded packages.
  7. Install IBM Installation Manager in the /opt directory.

    This is the required location for Installation Manager. Installing into a different location might result in a non-functioning Video Manager.

  8. Install IBM WebSphere Network Deployment.
  9. If Installation Manager is not running already, start it now:
    1. Open a command window.
    2. Change to the location where you installed Installation Manager: /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse
    3. Run the following command: ./IBMIM
  10. Set the repository location by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Installation Manager window, click File > Preferences.
    2. On the Preferences page, click Repositories.
    3. Add the repository for the Sametime Video Manager installation package:

      All Media Manager components use the same repository.

      1. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.
      2. On the Add Repository page, click Browse.
      3. On the Select Repository page, browse to the location where you stored the extracted files for Sametime Video Manager, and open the IAV subdirectory.
      4. Click the repository.config file to select it, and then click Apply.
      5. Deselect any listed repositories that you will not use for installing the Sametime Video Manager.
    4. Click OK.
  11. Back in the main Installation Manager window, click Install.
  12. Accept the terms in the license agreements, and click Next.
  13. Select a package group option and accept the installation directory, then click Next.

    Select Create a new package group if you have not installed any other Sametime software on this computer.

    Leave Use the existing package group selected if you are installing several Sametime servers on the same computer.

  14. Select IBM Sametime Media Server 9.0.1 as the feature to install.

    The deployment plan determines which of the Media Manager components will be installed.

  15. Select Use Sametime System Console to install, and then click Next.
  16. Specify the location of the IBM WebSphere Application Server, and then click Validate.
  17. In the Common Configurations window, supply values for connecting to the Sametime System Console:
    • Host Name: Provide the fully qualified domain name in the Host Name field for the Sametime System Console.

      The host name was determined when you installed the Sametime System Console. The host name must be the actual host name and not a DNS alias.

    • Use SSL: Leave this option selected to run the server over a secure connection.
    • HTTPs Port: Leave 9443 as the default value.
    • User ID and Password: Provide the WebSphere Application Server User ID and password that you created when you installed the Sametime System Console.
  18. Provide the fully qualified host name for the computer you are currently using, which is the same name you used when you created the deployment plan for this installation.

    Do not use an IP address or short host name.

  19. Click Validate to log in to the Sametime System Console.
  20. When you are logged in, click Next.
  21. Select the Sametime Video Manager deployment plan that you will use now, and then click Next.
  22. Review the deployment settings, then click Validate. When the button changes to Validated, click Next.
  23. Review the summary, then click Install to start the installation.
  24. When installation is complete, click Finish.
  25. Click Exit to close the Installation Manager.
  26. Prevent performance problems by increasing the maximum number of open file descriptors on the server:
    1. Open a command window.
    2. Run the following commands to increase the maximum number of open file descriptors:
      ulimit -n 65536
      echo "root hard nofile 65536" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
      echo "root soft nofile 65536" >> /etc/security/limits.conf 
  27. Start the Video Manager by completing the following steps:
    1. Stop the WebSphere Application Server using the following command:
      WAS_install_root/profiles/Profile_name/bin ./ STMediaServer -username wasadminuser -password password 
    2. The solidDB® must be running before you start the Video Manager. Start solidDB first using the following command:
      /opt/solidDB/soliddb-7.0/bin> solid -c /opt/solidDB/soliddb-7.0/eval_kit/standalone/
    3. Start the WebSphere Application Server and the Sametime Video Manager using the following command:
      WAS_install_root/profiles/Profile_name/bin ./ STMediaServer