Adding the custom Java class name and method to the Sametime LDAP settings

Use the IBM® Sametime® Administration Tool to add the class name and method of your new custom Java™ class to the LDAP settings used by the Sametime Community Server.


  1. Open the Sametime Administration Tool.
  2. Click LDAP Directory > Basics.
  3. In the Search settings for server list, select the LDAP server that contains the LDAP directory you are modifying with your custom Java class.
  4. If you are adding a custom Java class that defines a search filter, click Searching and do the following:
    1. In the Search filter for resolving person names settings, enter the class name and method name for a Person filter, using this format: Classname.methodname()

      Following the earlier code example for a Person filter, you would enter StLdapCustomized.peopleResolveFilter() for the new class.

    2. In the Search filter for resolving group names settings, enter the class name and method name for a Group filter, using this format: Classname.methodname()

      For example, you might have named your class like this: StLdapCustomized.groupsResolveFilter().

  5. If you are adding a custom Java class that formats search results, locate The attribute of the person entry that defines the user's name settings, and enter the class name and method name, using this format: Classname.methodname()

    Following the earlier code example for formatting search results, you would enter StLdapCustomizedAttributes.displayName(givenName, sn) for the new class.

  6. If you are adding a custom Java class that defines an authentication, policy or business card filter, do the following:

    In the Search filter to use when resolving a user name to a distinguished name settings, enter the class name and method name for this filter, using this format: Classname.methodname(). Following the earlier code example for this filter, you would enter StLdapCustomized.authenticationFilter() for the new class.

  7. If you are adding a custom Java class that defines a Policy filter, do the following:

    In the GroupMembership settings , enter the class name and method name for a group membership filter, using this format: Classname.methodname() Following the earlier code example for a this filter, you would enter StLdapCustomized.groupMembershipFilter() for the new class.

  8. After you have added all of your custom Java classes, click Update.
  9. Restart the Sametime Community Server for the changes to take effect.