Enabling local chat logging

Each text chat has a transcript, the record of the text messages exchanged between chat partners during a chat session. You can configure the IBM® Sametime® Community Server to automatically log all chats and announcements locally (on the client computer), making these transcripts available to users for viewing in their chat history. If chat logging is enabled, offline messages sent by the sender to an offline recipient are also logged.


  1. In a text editor, open the sametime.ini file, which is located in the Sametime Community Server installation directory (for example: C:\Program Files\domino).
  2. In the [Config] section, set the value for CL_USE_USER_DN. If this setting is not found, the server defaults to using the Sametime user ID as the user's identifier for a chat log. This flag should be used if your Sametime user ID is not a distinguished name.
    • CL_USE_USER_DN=0 uses the Sametime user ID as the user's identifier for a chat log.

      Announcement originators and recipients can only be identified by their Sametime user IDs, so logging must also use the Sametime user IDs.

    • CL_USE_USER_DN=1 uses the person's distinguished name (from the LDAP directory) as the user's identifier for a chat log.

      If a distinguished name is not found, it instead uses the Sametime user ID. The distinguished name attribute can be either the Sametime user ID or another attribute.

  3. In the [ST_BB_NAMES] section, set the value for ST_CHAT_LOG. The StChatLogFile library (Windows) or libstchatlogfile.so (AIX®, and Linux™) is a sample that demonstrates how to implement a chat logging black box using the Sametime Software Development Kit.

      The default value N/A means that Sametime does not attempt to load any chat logging black box. If you do not want StChatLog.dll to be used by Sametime, leave the default of N/A (do not remove the statement).

    • ST_CHAT_LOG=File
      The value File describes the suffix to an StChatLog base name of the chat logging black box library. For example, to load your StChatLogMyCustom.dll file, set the value to ST_CHAT_LOG=MyCustom.
      Attention: The StChatLogFile file is a sample that is not supported for use in production environments; it is intended only to show you what the different settings look like.
    • In two-way chats when users are connected from two different servers, the chat session is logged on the home server of the recipient. If you want the same two-way chat session to be logged on both servers, enable ST_LOG_ALL_CHATS=1 in the [Config] section.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Log in to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
  6. Click Sametime System Console > Sametime Servers > Sametime Community Servers.
  7. In the Sametime Community Servers list, click the deployment name of the server with the connectivity information that you want to change.
  8. Click the Community Services tab.
  9. In the Server Features section, locate Enable chat logging and select one of the following options:
    • Always

      Chat logging operates in "Strict" mode, logging related errors that occur during a chat session and result in session termination.

    • When available

      Chat logging operates in "Relax" mode, logging related errors that occur during a chat session but do not terminate it.

    • Never

      Chat logging operates in "Off" mode, and no errors are logged for this server.

    For information about remote chat logging, refer to Enabling remote chat logging for places.
  10. Click OK.
  11. You must create a directory named CLData under the Domino® program directory or the chat logging will fail.
    To specify a different directory for storing the chat log files, add the BB_CL_LIBRARY_PATH= parameter to the [Library] section of the Sametime server's sametime.ini file as follows:
  12. Restart the Sametime Community Server for settings to take effect.