Turning off full-text indexing in the Meeting Room Center

Follow these steps to disable full-text indexing in the Meeting Room Center.


  1. Log in to the Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. Click Sametime System Console > Sametime Servers > Sametime Meeting Servers.
  3. In the Meeting Servers list, click a server with the configuration that you want to change.
  4. Select Server Configuration.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Change the value of meetingroomcenter.useFullTextIndexing to false.
  7. Click OK. The changes take effect within one minute.

What to do next

These steps are sufficient to turn off full-text indexing; however, the full-text indexes still exist and take up disk space. If you want to permanently delete the full-text indexes, copy dropFullTextIndexing.bat/sh to the DB2® bin directory and run dropFullTextIndex.bat/sh database_name. For example, dropFullTextIndexing.bat STMS. If you remove the database, the dropFullTextIndexing script should be run first to properly clean up the indexes.