Running sample Jacl scripts

Complete these steps to run a sample Jacl script.

About this task

For additional information about default paths, see Directory conventions.


  1. Log in to the Sametime® Gateway Server as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. If the Sametime Gateway Server is not started, open a command window. If the server is started, skip to step 5.
  3. In the command window, navigate to the Sametime Gateway Server profile directory that contains binary files: profile_root\bin
  4. Type the following command to start Sametime Gateway Server. Note that RTCGWServer is case-sensitive.

    AIX®, Linux™

    ./ RTCGWServer


    startServer.bat RTCGWServer
  5. Copy the sample scripts from:
  6. Using a text editor, open the sample script to customize it for your task. The script contains documentation to guide you while editing the script.
  7. Open a command window and navigate to profile_root/bin.
  8. Run the script as follows:
    wsadmin -username username -password password -f script_name.jacl
    Where username and password are the credentials that you created when you enabled administrative security, and script_name.jacl is the name of the sample Jacl script. You must run the wsadmin tool with the -f option. To see your changes in the Integrated Solutions Console, you must log out of the console, and then log back into it. Some operations may require stopping and restarting the Sametime Gateway Server.