
Removes a group so that the group can no longer access the specified external community.


removeGroupByCommunities sourceName, destName, capability, groupName
Table 1. removeGroupByCommunities syntax
Parameter Data type Description
sourceName string Logical name of the local community.
destName string Logical name of the external or clearinghouse community.
capability integer Numerical index for capabilities. Only 2 (all capabilities) is supported.
  • 0 returns instant messaging
  • 1 returns presence
  • 2 returns all capabilities
groupName string Group name.


The removeGroupByCommunities command removes a group with specified capabilities and prevents it from accessing the named external community. Capabilities are numerically indexed. Group operations may only be performed on all capabilities.


set ons [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=RTCAdminMbean,*]
set local [$AdminControl invoke $ons getLocalCommunityName]
$AdminControl invoke $ons removeGroupByCommunities "$local aol 2 sales"