
Returns a person's display name and email address based on their VMM ID.


getPersonPropertiesByVMMID "vmmid"


The getPersonPropertiesByVMMID command gets a person's display name and email address from LDAP using the person's VMM ID. The command returns a hash table that has VMMID as the key, a list of requested properties, and the display name and email address as key-values pairs. There is no need to actually submit the VMM ID to obtain properties. Use the getPersonPropertiesByVMMID command with the getUserIDBye-mailAddress command to get this information.

Data type: string


This sample program first get the user IDs from email addresses, then uses the result to obtain properties of the users based on their VMM ID.
set ons [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=RTCAdminMbean,*] $AdminControl
set m [$AdminControl  invoke $ons getUserIDBye-mailAddress]
set p  [$AdminControl  invoke $ons getUserIDBye-mailAddress]
$AdminControl invoke $ons getPersonPropertiesByVMMID "$m $p"