
The following list summarizes this table:
Information about all the remote database servers that participate in Enterprise Replication
applIndex, onErSiteIndex
Scope of a row:
A single replication queue
The table has the following MIB objects.
Table 1. MIB objects for onErSiteTable
MIB object Description
applIndex See applTable.
onErSiteIndex Integer that uniquely identifies a database server as defined in the group entry in sqlhosts
onErSiteName Name of the replication site
onErSiteState State of the replication activity for this site:
  • inactive (1)
  • active (2)
  • suspend (3)
  • quiescent (4)
  • hold (5)
  • delete (6)
  • failed (7)
  • unknown (8)
onErSiteConnectionState State of the connection to this site:
  • idle (1)
  • connected (2)
  • disconnected (3)
  • timeout (4)
  • shutdown (5)
  • error (6)
  • unknown (7)
onErSiteConnectionChange Date and time when the connection state last changed
onErSiteIdleTimeout Time limit for Enterprise Replication to wait for new data to send or receive. Value is set when database server is defined. Connection is closed if time limit is exceeded.
onErSiteOutMsgs Total number of messages transmitted from the current database server to this site
onErSiteOutBytes Total number of bytes transmitted from the current database server to this site
onErSiteInMsgs Total number of messages received by the current database server from this site
onErSiteInBytes Total number of bytes received by the current database server from this site
onErSiteTransactions Total number of transactions received from this site
onErSiteCommits Total number of transactions received and committed from this site
onErSiteAborts Total number of transactions aborted from this site
onErSiteLastReceived Date and time when the last transaction was processed from this site
onErSiteRowCommits Total number of rows committed from this site
onErSiteRowAborts Total number of rows aborted from this site
onErSiteRcvLatency Average latency between the source commit time and target receive time; performance measure of network queueing delay
onErSiteCommitLatency Average latency between source and target commit time; performance measure of network and database server delay
onErSiteClockErrors Number of transactions received from this site with a time that is ahead of our current time; indicates system clock synchronization problems