JSON compatibility

You can use the popular JSON-oriented query language created by MongoDB to interact with data stored in HCL Informix®.

External resources

  • Getting Started with MongoDB (Documentation) This tutorial provides an introduction to basic database operations using MongoDB.
  • MongoDB Manual (Documentation) Learn about the MongoDB NoSQL database and product features.
  • Informix® JSON quick reference (FAQ) The information in this quick reference lists commonly used JSON features supported by Informix®. This cheat sheet assumes that you are using the MongoDB shell. All MongoDB drivers are supported.
  • JSON tutorial from IOD in November 2013 (Video) Watch a recording of the JSON tutorial that was given at IOD in November 2013. Included are details about the creation of the photo sharing demo.
  • JSON Chat with the Labs (Presentation) Learn about the Informix® JSON implementation that includes information on the ability to store JSON and relational tables in the same storage engine and the ability to access both JSON collections and SQL data by using either a MongoDB API or a SQL API. Included are business use cases, implementation of a real big data mobile application, internals of IBM's implementation of JSON and best practices for enterprise development to exploit JSON and SQL in the application environment.
  • NoSQL Deep Dive (Presentation) Take a detailed look at HCL Informix® JSON compatibility with Keshava Murthy, HCL Informix® Development Architect. Included are details about hybrid access, Informix® support of MongoDB API and native JSON storage, flexible schema support, and sharding.

Main resource