
The following list summarizes this table:
Information about dbspaces
applIndex, onDbspaceIndex
Scope of a row:
One dbspace
The table has the following MIB objects.
Table 1. MIB objects for onDbspaceTable
MIB object Description
applIndex See applTable.
onDbspaceIndex Unique integer index for this dbspace. The database server generates this value.
onDbspaceName Name of the dbspace
onDbspaceOwner Login name of the owner
onDbspaceCreated Creation date
onDbspaceChunks Number of chunks in the dbspace
onDbspaceType Type of dbspace:
  • regularDbspace (1)
  • temporaryDbspace (2)
  • blobDbspace (3)
onDbspaceMirrorStatus Mirroring status:
  • notMirrored (1)
  • mirrored (2)
  • mirrorDisabled (3)
  • newlyMirrored (4)
onDbspaceRecoveryStatus Recovery status:
  • noRecoveryNeeded (1)
  • doneRecovery (2)
  • physicallyRecovered (3)
  • logicallyRecovering (4)
onDbspaceBackupStatus Backup status:
  • yes (1): The dbspace is backed up.
  • no (2): The dbspace is not backed up.
onDbspaceMiscStatus Miscellaneous status:
  • none (1): no more information
  • aTableDropped (2)
onDbspacePagesAllocated Size of all the primary chunks in the dbspace
onDbspacePagesUsed Number of pages used in all the primary chunks in the dbspace
onDbspaceBackupDate Date when the latest backup was performed. If the dbspace has never been backed up, this value is noSuchInstance (SNMPv2) or noSuchName (SNMPv1).
onDbspaceLastBackupLevel Level of the last backup. If the dbspace has never been backed up, this value is noSuchInstance (SNMPv2) or noSuchName (SNMPv1).
onDbspaceLastFullBackupDate Date and time of the last full backup (level 0). If the dbspace has never had a full backup, this value is noSuchInstance (SNMPv2) or noSuchName (SNMPv1).