
The following list summarizes this table:
Information about active databases
applIndex, rdbmsDbIndex
Scope of a row:
One active database

This table does not provide information about an active database if one of the dbspaces for the database is down. (The rdbmsRelState MIB object for each database in rdbmsRelTable indicates whether a database is active and whether one of its dbspaces is down.)

The table has the following MIB objects.
Table 1. MIB objects for onDatabaseTable
MIB object Description
applIndex See applTable.
rdbmsDbIndex See rdbmsDbTable.
onDatabaseDbspace Default dbspace
onDatabaseCreated Creation date and time
onDatabaseLogging Logging status:
  • none (1)
  • buffered (2)
  • unbuffered (3)
  • ansi (4)
onDatabaseOpenStatus Database status:
  • notOpen (1)
  • open (2)
  • openExclusive (3)
onDatabaseUsers Number of users