
The following list summarizes this table:
Information about the chunks that the database servers use
applIndex, onDbspaceIndex, onChunkIndex
Scope of a row:
One chunk
The table has the following MIB objects.
Table 1. MIB objects for onChunkTable
MIB object Description
applIndex See applTable.
onDbspaceIndex See rdbmsDbInfoTable.
onChunkIndex Unique integer index for this chunk

The database server generates this value.

onChunkFileName Path name for the chunk
onChunkFileOffset Offset into the device, in pages
onChunkPagesAllocated Chunk size, in pages
onChunkPagesUsed Number of pages used
onChunkType Type of chunk:
  • regularChunk (1)
  • blobChunk (2)
  • stageBlob (3)
onChunkStatus Status of the chunk:
  • offline (1)
  • online (2)
  • recovering (3)
  • inconsistent (4)
  • dropped (5)
onChunkMirroring Mirroring status of the chunk:
  • notMirrored (1)
  • mirrored (2)
  • newlyMirrored (3)
onChunkReads Number of physical-read operations
onChunkPageReads Number of page reads
onChunkWrites Number of physical-write operations
onChunkPageWrites Number of page writes
onChunkMirrorFileName Path name of the mirror chunk

If the chunk is not mirrored, this value is noSuchInstance (SNMPv2) or noSuchName (SNMPv1).

onChunkMirrorFileOffset Offset of the mirror, in pages

If the chunk is not mirrored, this value is noSuchInstance (SNMPv2) or noSuchName (SNMPv1).

onChunkMirrorStatus Mirroring status:
  • offline (1)
  • online (2)
  • recovering (3)
  • inconsistent (4)
  • dropped (5)

If the chunk is not mirrored, this value is noSuchInstance (SNMPv2) or noSuchName (SNMPv1).