
The following list summarizes this table:
Information about the current ON-Bar activity
applIndex, onActiveBarIndex
Scope of a row:
One ON-Bar activity
The table has the following MIB objects.
Table 1. MIB objects for onActiveBarTable
MIB Object Description
applIndex See applTable.
onActiveBarIndex A number that OnSNMP assigns
onActiveBarActivityType Type of activity:
  • dbspaceBackup (1)
  • dbspaceRestore (2)
  • logBackup (3)
  • logRestore (4)
  • systemBackup (5)
  • systemRestore (6)
onActiveBarActivityLevel Level of activity:
  • completeBackup (1)
  • incrementalLevelOne (2)
  • incrementalLevelTwo (3)
onActiveBarElapsedTime Length of time since the activity started, in hundredths of seconds
onActiveBarActivitySize Total number of used pages to scan OnSNMP updates this value as the activity progresses.
onActiveBarActivityScanned Number of used pages that the activity has scanned so far
onActiveBarActivityCompleted Number of scanned pages that the activity has transferred for archiving so far
onActiveBarActivityStatus Status of the activity