Configuring Verse trial

The HCL Domino® 12.0 trial server comes with HCL Verse 2.1.0b. Complete the following steps if you want to configure Verse.

Before you begin

Complete these steps:
  1. Deploying the Domino on Docker trial server.
  2. Preparing the Domino server.


  1. Enable HCL iNotes® on the HCL Domino® server. Make sure that you run the HTTP server task and that you configure iNotes settings. See the topic Configuring iNotes.
  2. Register users as iNotes® users. See the topic Registering iNotes users.
  3. Create full-text indexes on mail files, if they don't already have them. For information, see the topic Full-text indexes for single databases.
  4. Configure an ID vault on the Domino® server and assign Verse users to the vault. An ID vault is required so users can read and send signed or encrypted messages. For information, see the topic Notes ID vault .
    Note: In the ID vault tab of the Security Settings document that you use to assign users to the vault, select the option Allow Notes-based programs to use the Notes ID vault.
  5. Make sure that users have valid Internet addresses in their HCL Domino® directory Person documents:
    1. Open the Person document.
    2. On the Basics tab, verify that the Internet Address field contains a valid address for example,
  6. Stop and restart the Domino server:
    restart server
  7. Create a credential store application on the server by running the following commands at the Domino® console to create one. The first command creates a document encryption key to be used for authentication that is called credstore. The second command creates the application credstore.nsf and encrypts it using the encryption key.
    keymgmt create nek credstore
    keymgmt create credstore credstore
    If the mail servers are in a cluster, complete the following steps to configure the credential store on each additional server:
    1. From the server console of the server on which you created credstore.nsf, enter the following command to export the encryption key to a file in the Domino data directory:
      KEYMGMT export nek credstore <keyname>.key <password>

      For example:

      KEYMGMT export nek credstore NameVerseKey.key Password
    2. Copy the key file to the data directory of each Domino cluster member.
    3. From the server console of each Domino cluster member, enter the following command to import the encryption key:
      KEYMGMT import nek <keyname>.key <password>

      For example:

      KEYMGMT import nek NameVerseKey.key Password

      You see this response:

      NEK credstore - Fingerprint XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
      NEK credstore imported successfully
    4. Create a replica of credstore.nsf from the initial server to all Domino cluster members.
  8. To confirm that Verse works, have a user with a mail file on the server complete these steps:
    1. From a browser, go to https://domino_hostname/verse. For example,
    2. Log in.
    3. Verify that you see the Verse user interface.

What to do next

For information on administering and using Verse, see the Verse 2.1 documentation.