Installing the parameterized build plugin for Rational Developer for System z

Before using the parameterized build plugin for IBM® Rational® Developer for System z®, you need to install it into your Rational Developer for System z client.

Before you begin

When you install ClearCase®, a .zip file containing the parameterized build plugin for Rational Developer for System z is placed into the following location in the ClearCase installation path: \os390\parmbld\triggers\ If, for example, ClearCase is installed in C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase, then the parameterized build plugin is located in C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\os390\parmbld\triggers\ This topic explains how to install the parameterized build plugin for Rational Developer for System z.

About this task

The z/OS® Extensions parameterized build plugin for Rational Developer System z makes parameterized build functions available on the Rational Developer for System z platform. To use this plugin, you need to have installed Rational Developer for System z version 7.5 or later and ClearCase version 7.1 or later.


To install the parameterized build plugin for Rational Developer for System z. do these steps:
  1. Copy the file from the installation directory to a temporary location, such as C:/Temp.
  2. Navigate to this temporary location and extract contents of the .zip file.
    The contents are extracted to a folder named repository that contains the following files and folders:
    Parameterized build repository folder
  3. Start IBM Installation Manager and select File > Preferences.
    The Preferences window opens:
    Installation Manager Preferences
  4. Click Add Repository to open the Add Repository window and then click Browse and navigate to the repository.config file in the location where you extracted the plugin file:

    Add Repository window
  5. Click OK on the Add Repository window and then click OK on the Preferences window.
  6. On the Installation Manager main window, click Install. The Install Packages window opens.
  7. Select ClearCase z/OS Parameterized Build Plug-in for Rational Developer for System z and click Next.

    Install Packages window
  8. Read the terms of the license agreement. To accept the terms and continue with the installation, click I accept the terms in the license agreement and then click Next.
  9. To choose a package group for the installation, click Use the existing package group, select the package group into which Rational Developer for System z has been installed, and click Next.

    Package selection page
  10. Verify the details of the installation and click Next.
  11. Click Install to begin the installation.
  12. When the installation is complete, click IBM Rational Developer for System z and Finish to start Rational Developer for System z and close Installation Manager.

    Installation Manager Finish page

What to do next

Before using Parameterized Build for Rational Developer for System z, you need to configure parameterized build on the ClearCase server. See Configuring parameterized build on Windows for instructions. This chapter contains parameterized build information from the ClearCase version 7.1 documentation updated with information about parameterized build for Rational Developer for System z.

To open the help information for the parameterized build plugin for Rational Developer for System z, start Rational Developer for System z, click Help > Help Contents, and navigate to Managing change and releases > Building COBOL applications with Parameterized Build.