Logging server messages and traces

The Remote Build server logs the trace for the server and for build runs in separate data sets. It generates one of the following types of messages:
  • Server (RCCINIT) messages

    Server messages are captured in the data set defined by the RCCBLOG DD statement in the RCCRUNM (z/OS® MVS™) or RCCRUNU (z/OS UNIX® System Services) JCL. Trace entries are captured in the server (RCCRUNM or RCCRUNU) SYSOUT. The default location for both data sets is the JES2 output queue.

  • Build Run (RCCBLDW) messages

    Messages for a specific build run are recorded in a data set defined by the RCCBLOG DD statement in the RCCMVS (z/OS MVS) or RCCUSS JCL.

To specify a RCCBLOG location other than the default SYSOUT, modify the RCCBLOG DD statements in the RCCRUNM and RCCMVS (for z/OS MVS) or RCCRUNU and RCCUSS (for z/OS UNIX System Services) JCLs.

To activate tracing, add the –t option to the PARM clause within the EXEC statement in the RCCRUNM (z/OS MVS) or RCCRUNU JCL (z/OS UNIX System Services).

Factors that determine the z/OS UNIX System Services trace file location

The location of the trace file depends on the following factors:
  • Authentication mode of the Remote Build server
  • rccbuild –au value
  • Directory where rccbldw is running

The following table summarizes the various server authentication modes and their related factors.

Table 1. z/OS UNIX System Services Remote Build trace file locations
Server authentication mode –au value Directory running rccbldw Trace file location
–a0 any value /rational/smith /rational/smith
–a1 acp /rational/smith /rational/acp
–a1 no value /rational/smith /rational/smith
–a2 gls /rational/smith /rational/gls