Authentication modes for Remote Build

You can configure options for authenticating users to the Remote Build server.

The Remote Build server interfaces with IBM® RACF® or other compatible security products to perform the following tests:

  • Validate TSO user IDs and passwords that are passed by the client command.
  • Verify user authorization for z/OS® MVS™ libraries and z/OS UNIX® System Services directories accessed during a build request.

A user ID that passes these tests receives access to the Remote Build process.

The following table describes four server authentication modes. You choose an authentication mode by setting the -a runtime server option in the RCCRUNM (for z/OS MVS) or RCCRUNU (for z/OS UNIX System Services) JCL member.

Table 1. Server authentication modes
Mode Description
0 No user authentication. The user ID that starts the Remote Build server is used for build processes requested by all users.
1 The user ID and password, passed by the client, are optional. If supplied, they are verified with the security product (such as RACF).
2 The user ID and password, passed by the client, are required. The security product (such as RACF) verifies them.
S The user ID and password, passed by the client, are required. The security product (such as RACF) verifies them, and an optional role can be supplied on the build request. This option is supported on z/OS MVS only.