ClearCase VOB properties

Use the DevOps Code ClearCase® VOB properties page to view or edit properties of a VOB.

A VOB is a ClearCase repository that stores file and directory elements. A ClearCase view can have zero or more files or directories loaded from a VOB. The properties displayed on this page apply to the VOB itself. If the selected resource is not a VOB, this page displays the properties of the VOB that contains the selected resource.

Changes are applied when focus is removed from the item being changed. For example: a Description field is modified by typing new text or changing existing text. As soon as focus is moved away from the Description field, the change is applied. Clicking anywhere outside the Description field is sufficient to move focus and apply the change. Clicking the OK button is another way to move focus and to apply any changes.

VOB general properties

The General tab of the ClearCase VOB properties page displays the following information about the selected VOB:

Property name Property description
VOB tag The VOB's tag in the ClearCase server's ClearCase network region.
Kind Always versioned object base, the ClearCase object kind of a VOB.
Created on The date and time when the VOB was created.
Created by The name of the ClearCase user who created the VOB, in the form user_id.group_id
Description The creation comment associated with the VOB.
Database schema version The schema version of the VOB database.

VOB tag properties

The VOB Tag tab of the ClearCase VOB properties page displays the following information about the selected VOB:

Property name Property description
VOB tag The VOB's tag in the ClearCase server's ClearCase network region.
Region The region name of the ClearCase server's ClearCase network region.
Host The host name of the VOB server host.
Host path The local path name of the VOB storage directory on the VOB server host.
Global path The network path name, relative to the ClearCase server, to the VOB storage directory on the VOB server host.
Mount access Either public or private.
Mount options Mount options specified in the VOB tag (not applicable to the ClearTeam® Explorer).
Description The description associated with the VOB tag.

ACL properties

The ACL tab of a VOB properties page displays the following information about the selected VOB:

Property name Property description
Permissions for user Shows the generic permissions (such as Read, Change, Full, or None) for the current user on the currently selected VOB.
Full Effective ACL Shows the principals and permissions of the effective ACL for the current VOB. The effective ACL is computed by combining the rolemap and its policy, substituting the role mappings in the rolemap for the role in the policy's access control entries. The net result is an ACL that has no indirect principals and is easy to interpret during an access check.
Only show entries affecting me When this option is selected, the Full Effective ACL displays only those principals which include the current user.
Rolemap for this resource Shows the rolemap for the currently selected VOB.
Open Opens the rolemap for the current policy in the VOB editor.

VOB custom properties

The Custom tab of the ClearCase VOB properties page displays the following information about the selected VOB:

Property name Property description
Attributes A list of ClearCase attributes attached to the selected VOB. Each attribute has a Type and a Value.
Hyperlinks A list of ClearCase hyperlinks attached to the selected VOB.

VOB lock properties

The Lock tab of the ClearCase VOB properties page displays the following information about the selected VOB:

Property name Property description
State Either Locked or Unlocked. An element that is Locked can also be Obsolete.
Locked by The name of the ClearCase user who locked the VOB in the form user_id.group_id.
Locked on The date and time when the lock was created.
Description A comment associated with the lock.
Excluded users A list of users to whom the lock does not apply.
Add User Click to open the Add User dialog box, which allows you to add a user to the Excluded users list.
Remove User Click to remove the selected user from the Excluded users list.
Remove All Click to remove all users from the Excluded users list.

VOB mastership properties

If the selected VOB is replicated by using DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite, the Mastership tab of the ClearCase VOB properties page displays the following information about the selected VOB:

Property name Property description
Current replica The replica name of the current replica (the replica that is accessible to the ClearCase server).
Master replica The name of the replica that masters the current replica object

The mastership of an object determines who can modify it. In general, if your current replica does not master an object, you cannot modify it.

VOB replicas properties

If the selected VOB is replicated using DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite, the Replicas tab of the ClearCase VOB properties page displays the following information about the selected VOB:

Property name Property description
VOB replicas A list of all replicas of the VOB.
Show deleted replicas Select this check box to show deleted replicas as well as active ones.