ClearCase view properties

The DevOps Code ClearCase® View properties page displays properties of a ClearCase view.

The ClearCase View properties page provides information about a ClearCase view and the ClearCase server that supports it. ClearCase view properties are read-only.

ClearCase view general properties

The General tab of the ClearCase View properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase view :

Property name Property description
View tag The view's tag in the ClearCase server's ClearCase network region.
Kind Dynamic, web, automatic, or snapshot
Description The optional descriptive comment entered when the view was created.

If the view is a UCM view, the ClearCase View properties page displays the following additional information.

Property name Property description
Project The UCM project with which the view is associated.
Stream The UCM project stream to which the view is bound.
View type Indicates whether the view is a UCM view or a UCM view (ClearQuest-enabled).
Current activity The current UCM default activity for the view.

ClearCase view advanced properties

The Advanced tab of the ClearCase View properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase view:

Property name Property description
Region The region name of the ClearCase server's ClearCase network region.
Server URL The URL of the CCRC WAN server that supports the automatic view or web view.
Copy area path The local path name of the copy area of the web view or snapshot view.
File times How the view sets timestamps on loaded files.

ClearCase view access properties

The Access tab of the ClearCase View properties page displays View access information for the selected ClearCase view. The information is displayed as a list of ClearCase operations that have taken place in the view, along with the date and time that the operation completed and the name of the user, in the form user_id.group_id, who initiated the operation.

In addition, this tab lists the following information about the selected ClearCase view:

Property name Property description
Kind Web view, Dynamic view, Automatic view, or snapshot view
Text mode The view's text mode. For more information, see About view text modes.
Protections One of valid or invalid.

ClearCase view protections properties

The Protections tab of the ClearCase View properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase view:

Property name Property description
Owner The name of the owner of the view and the permissions granted to the owner.
Group The name of the group that owns the view (typically the group of which the owner was a member when the view was created) and the permissions granted to members of this group.
Other Permissions granted to all other individuals and groups.

ClearCase view configuration properties

For a UCM view, the Configuration tab of the ClearCase View properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase view:

Property name Property description
Foundation baselines The view's foundation baselines (specified by the view's parent stream).
Activities A list of the activities in the view's stream.

This tab is not displayed for base ClearCase views.

ClearCase view integration properties

For a UCM view, the Integration tab of the ClearCase View properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase view:

Control name Control description
Target stream The name of the stream to which the activities will be delivered. By default, this is the UCM project's integration stream.
Change Click to select a different target stream to which the activities will be delivered.
View The name of the ClearCase view to which the delivered elements will be merged. By default, this is the integration view you created when you joined this UCM project.
New Click to create a new ClearCase view to which the delivered elements will be merged.
Change Click to select an existing local ClearCase view to which the delivered elements will be merged.
Rebase to The type of baseline to which you are rebasing. The default behavior is to rebase to The recommended baseline of the parent stream. To rebase to the most recent baseline, click The latest baseline option.
OK Confirms the operation and allows it to proceed.
Cancel Cancels the operation.

This tab is not displayed for base ClearCase views.

ClearCase view config spec properties

For a base ClearCase view, the Config Spec tab of the ClearCase View properties page displays the view's config spec.

This tab is not displayed for UCM views.

ClearCase view load rules properties

The Load Rules tab of the ClearCase View properties page displays the load rule for view types other than dynamic.