ClearCase stream properties

The DevOps Code ClearCase® Stream properties page displays properties of a ClearCase UCM stream.

The ClearCase Stream properties page provides information about a ClearCase stream. ClearCase stream properties are read-only.

ClearCase stream general properties

The General tab of the ClearCase Stream properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase stream:

Property name Property description
Name The name of the selected stream.
Selector The object selector for a stream in the project VOB.
Project The UCM project associated with the stream.
Created on The date and time when the stream was created.
Created by The name of the ClearCase user who created the stream, in the form user_id.group_id.
Deliver to The stream to which activities in this stream will be delivered.
Baseline naming template The text template, which was specified when the project was created, to be used when naming new baselines for the project.
Integration status The status of rebase and deliver operations currently taking place on this stream.
Description An optional comment associated with the stream.

ClearCase stream configuration properties

The Configuration tab of the ClearCase Stream properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase stream:

Property name Property description
Foundation baselines A list of all the foundation baselines for the currently selected stream. The Component containing the foundation baseline and the Name of the foundation baseline are displayed.
Activities The Headline and Owner for all activities associated with the currently selected stream are displayed.

ClearCase stream baselines properties

The Baselines tab of the ClearCase Stream properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase stream:

Property name Property description
Components List of the project components in this stream for which baselines have been created. Select a component to display its baselines.
Baselines List of baseline names, creation dates, and promotion levels created in this stream for the component selected by Components.
Make baseline Create a baseline in this stream.
Show Obsolete Baselines Click to display obsolete baselines in this properties page. By default, default baselines are not displayed.
Properties Open the properties page for the baseline selected by Baselines.

ClearCase stream views properties

The Views tab of the ClearCase Stream properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase stream:

Property name Property description
Views List of views attached to the stream.
Create view Create a view on the stream.
Properties Open the properties page for the selected view.

ClearCase stream mastership properties

The Mastership tab of the ClearCase Stream properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase stream:

Property name Property description
Current replica The replica name of the replica that holds the stream (the replica that is accessible to the ClearCase server).
Master replica The name of the replica that masters the current replica object.

ClearCase stream custom properties

For a UCM view, the Custom tab of the ClearCase Stream properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase stream:

Property name Property description
Attributes A list of ClearCase attributes attached to the selected stream. Each attribute has a Type and a Value.
Hyperlinks A list of hyperlinks attached to the selected stream.

ClearCase stream lock properties

For a base ClearCase view, the Lock tab of the ClearCase Stream properties page displays the following information about the selected ClearCase stream:

Property name Property description
State One of Locked, Unlocked, or Obsolete.
Locked by The name of the ClearCase user who locked the stream, in the form user_id.group_id.
Locked on The date and time when the lock was created.
Description A comment associated with the lock.
Excluded users A list of users to whom the lock does not apply.
Add User Click to open the Add User dialog box, which allows you to add a user to the Excluded users list.
Remove User Click to remove the selected user from the Excluded users list.
Remove All Click to remove all users from the Excluded users list.