Switching from ClearCase Licensing to IBM Common Licensing

Use this procedure to switch from ClearCase Licensing to IBM Common Licensing,


  1. Identify the name of the FLEXlm license server host.
  2. On the client machine, stop DevOps Code ClearCase®.
  3. Copy the file /opt/devops/code/clearcase/config/rcl/flexlm_host.template to /var/adm/clearcase/config directory and rename it as flexlm_host.
  4. Verify that this file has read access for all users.
  5. Open the flexlm_host file and replace the word "hostname" with the name of the FLEXlm license server host.
  6. If you still have a copy of the flexlm_host template file, delete it.
  7. Restart DevOps Code ClearCase. The license must be checked out from the specific FLEXlm license server.