What can I do as a non-member?

Find out what actions you can perform in a community when you are not a community member.

If you are logged in to IBM® Connections but are not a member of a public or moderated community, you can perform the following actions:

  • View community membership, and see community content. You cannot add, edit, or delete community content.
  • Join a community by clicking Join this Community to join a public community or Request to Join this Community to join a moderated community.
  • Community owners of restricted communities might allow you to see the community's name, description, tags, and owners so that you can request to join it; these communities are known as "restricted but listed communities". You can see community details of these communities in the My Organization Communities view; community details also appear in search results. If a non-member clicks on a restricted but listed community, a form appears; this form can be used to request membership from the community owners. Community owners get requests from both moderated and restricted but listed communities.