Updating a new FileNet deployment for CR2

After you apply CR2, you must run scripts to update FileNet® Content Engine Server ( FP4), FileNet Content Engine client ( FP4), and FileNet Collaboration Services in a new FileNet deployment. The new deployment is the one that was installed as part of IBM® Connections 5.5. FileNet Collaboration Services is part of IBM Content Navigator (2.0.3 FP7).

Before you begin

  • Back up the FileNet Global Configuration Database (FNGCD) and FileNet Object Store (FNOS) as part of Backing up IBM Connections.
  • Install IBM Connections 5.5 CR2 and migrate database schemas for CR2.
  • Download and extract the FileNet updates package. For more information, see Downloading the latest Cumulative Refresh (CR) and related updates.
  • Make sure that you have at least 6 GB in %TEMP% (Windows™) or /tmp (AIX® or Linux™) disk.

About this task

First, run the script to update the FileNet Content Engine server. Then, run the script to update the FileNet Content Engine client, and FileNet Collaboration Services.


  1. Download the FileNet update packages for your operating system to a temporary folder. For example, in Windows: C:\Install\CONNECTIONS-CR2\FILENETCR2.
    • 2.0.3-ICN-FP007-WIN.zip
  2. Extract the packages and make a note of the location. You specify the location of the .exe and .bin files when you run the scripts.
  3. Make sure that the Deployment Manager, node agents, and Connections nodes are all running.
  4. Open a command line window.
  5. For Linux and AIX only, assign permission to connections_root/FileNet.update/scripts as follows:
    run chmod -R 777 * under the folder  /opt/IBM/Connections/FileNet.update/scripts
  6. Go to the following folder.

    AIX or Linux



  7. Run the script with the following parameters to back up the Deployment Manager profile.

    AIX or Linux

    ./backup.sh -conn_home_path=/opt/IBM/Connections


    backup.bat -conn.home.location=C:\IBM\Connections 
  8. Run the script with the following parameters to update the FileNet Content Engine server.

    If you don't append these parameters, you are prompted for them while the update script runs.

    ./update-ce.sh -was_dm_path=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01 -was_admin_user=admin 
    -was_admin_password=password -conn_home_path=/opt/IBM/Connections -ce_fp_installer_location=


    update-ce.bat -was.dm.path=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01 -was.admin.user=admin 
    -was.admin.password=password -conn.home.location=C:\IBM\Connections -ce.fp.installer.location=

    This process can take up to 60 minutes. The fn-ce-update.log in the scripts folder provides information as the script runs.

  9. Verify that the Content Engine is updated to the latest version.

    Open ce_version.txt in the following folder:





    Note: Use this URL to verify the Content Engine: <your server><port>(if required)/FileNet/Engine.
  10. Test that the FileNet application is started.

    Open a browser and go to the hostname:port/FileNet/Engine URL. If the page does not open, the Content Engine is not working or the FileNet application was not started. Try restarting Connections to ensure that the update took effect and that the FileNet application is started.

  11. With the Deployment Manager, node agents, and Connections nodes all running, return to a command line.
  12. Go to the connections_root/FileNet.update/scripts folder.

    AIX or Linux



  13. Run the script with the following parameters to update the FileNet Content Engine Client and FileNet Collaboration Services.

    If you do not append these parameters, you are prompted for them while the update script runs.


    ./update-fncs-ceclient.sh -was.dm.path=websphere_root/profiles/Dmgr01 
    -was.admin.user=admin -was.admin.password=password 
    -doInstallFNCS=y -ceclient.fp.installer.location=download_location/5.2.1-P8CPE-CLIENT-AIX.BIN 
    -doInstallCEClient=y -supportIBMDocs=y


    ./update-fncs-ceclient.sh -was_dm_path=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01 
    -was_admin_user=admin -was_admin_password=password -conn_home_path=
    /opt/IBM/Connections -doSetAnonymous=n -fncs_fp_installer_location=


    update-fncs-ceclient.bat -was.dm.path=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01 
    -was.admin.user=admin -was.admin.password=password -conn.home.location=C:\IBM\Connections 
    -doSetAnonymous=n -fncs.fp.installer.location=C:\filenetFixpack\IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR- 
    Note: If you set doSetAnonymous to 'y' or 'Y', you must also specify anonymous_user and -anonymous_password. If you set doSetAnonymous to 'n' or 'N', you do not need to specify anonymous_user and -anonymous_password.
  14. Verify that the Content Engine client and FileNet Collaboration Services (Content Navigator) are updated to the latest version.

    Open ce_version.txt in the following folder:





    Note: To verify the Content Navigator, use the following URL: <yourserver>/dm.
  15. Check the FileNet Collaboration Services (Content Navigator) log file (version.txt) for errors.

    Open version.txt in the following folder:



