Rolling back a new FileNet deployment for CR2

After applying CR2, you may want to roll back the FileNet® Content Engine Server and the FileNet Content Engine Client and FileNet Collaboration Services. that you updated in Updating a new FileNet deployment for CR2.

Before you begin

Back up the FileNet Global Configuration Database (FNGCD) and FileNet Object Store (FNOS) as part of Backing up IBM® Connections.

About this task

First use to roll back the FileNet Content Engine server. Then use to roll back the FileNet Content Engine Client and FileNet Collaboration Services.


  1. Make sure that the Deployment Manager, node agents, and Connections nodes are all running.
  2. Open a command line window.
  3. For Linux™ and AIX® only, assign permission to connections_root/FileNet.update/scripts as follows:
    run chmod -R 777 * under the folder  /opt/IBM/Connections/FileNet.update/scripts
  4. Go to the following folder.

    AIX or Linux



  5. Run the script with the following parameters to back up the Deployment Manager profile.

    AIX or Linux

    ./ -conn_home_path=/opt/IBM/Connections


    backup.bat -conn.home.location=C:\IBM\Connections 
  6. Run the script with the following parameters to roll back the FileNet Content Engine server. -was_dm_path=${_wasProfilePath} -was_admin_user=${_wasprofileUserName}
     -was_admin_password=${_wasProfilePassword} -conn_home_path=${_connectionsInstalledDir}
  7. Run the script with the following parameters to roll back the FileNet Content Engine Client and FileNet Collaboration Services. -was_dm_path=${_wasProfilePath} -was_admin_user=${_wasprofileUserName} 
    -was_admin_password=${_wasProfilePassword} -conn_home_path=${_connectionsInstalledDir} -doSetAnonymous=${_ccmAnonymouseSet} 
    -anonymous_user="${_ccmAnonymouseUserName}" -anonymous_password=${_ccmAnonymousePassword}
    Note: If you set doSetAnonymous to 'y' or 'Y', you must also specify anonymous_user and -anonymous_password. If you set doSetAnonymous to 'n' or 'N', you do not need to specify anonymous_user and -anonymous_password.