Modifying Metrics configuration properties

Change the way that the Metrics application behaves by modifying configuration properties.

Before you begin

To edit configuration files, use the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server wsadmin client. See Starting the wsadmin client for information about how to start the wsadmin command-line tool.

About this task

Configuration settings control how and when various Metrics operations take place. Configure Metrics by using scripts that are accessed with the wsadmin client. These scripts use the AdminConfig object in the wsadmin client to modify the Metrics configuration file.

Changes to Metrics configuration settings require node synchronization and a restart of the Metrics server before they take effect.


To edit Metrics configuration properties, complete the following steps:
  1. Start the wsadmin client.
  2. Start the Metrics Jython script interpreter.
    1. Use the following command to access the Metrics configuration file:

      If you are asked to select a server, you can select any server.

    2. Check out the Metrics configuration files by using the following command:
      MetricsConfigService.checkOutConfig("working_directory", "cell_name")
      • working_directory is the temporary working directory where the configuration XML and XSD files are copied while you modify them.
        Note: AIX® and Linux™ only: The directory must grant write permissions or the command does not run successfully.
      • cell_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server cell that hosts the IBM Connections application. This argument is required. If you do not know the cell name, you can determine it by typing the following command in the wsadmin client:

        print AdminControl.getCell()

        For example:

        MetricsConfigService.checkOutConfig("/opt/my_temp_dir", "CommServerNode01Cell")

  3. Optional: To view a list of the valid Metrics configuration settings and their current values, use the MetricsConfigService.showConfig() command
    This is sample output from the MetricsConfigService.showConfig() command:
    Metrics configuration properties:
           cognos.namespace = IBMConnections
           cognos.secsPerRequest = 1200
           communitiesMetricsDateRange.all.enabled = true
           communitiesMetricsDateRange.last12months.enabled = true
           communitiesMetricsDateRange.last4weeks.enabled = true
           communitiesMetricsDateRange.last7days.enabled = false
           communitiesMetricsDateRange.lastquarter.enabled = true
           db.dialect = DB2
    Note: Only properties that are in the metrics-config.xml file are printed by the MetricsConfigService.showConfig() command. Configurations of custom reports are not listed.
  4. Modify configuration properties by using the appropriate method:
    • Some Metrics configuration properties can be edited by using the wsadmin client:
      MetricsConfigService.updateConfig("property", "value")

      where property is one of the editable Metrics configuration properties and value is the new value for the property. For example:

      MetricsConfigService.updateConfig("communitiesMetricsDateRange.last7days.enabled", "false")

    • Properties that are not listed as being editable with the wsadmin client can be edited directly in the configuration file: open the file in a text editor to modify it.
  5. Check in the file: MetricsConfigService.checkInConfig()
  6. Update the value of the version stamp configuration property in the LotusConnections-config.xml file. This setting forces browsers to pick up the changes.
    For more information, see Required post-customization steps.
  7. Exit the wsadmin client.
  8. Restart the server to apply your changes.

What to do next

After you update Metrics properties, you can use the MetricsConfigService.showConfig() command to display the properties and their updated values.