HCL Commerce Version or later

Creating a wishlist widget

The create-wishlist-widget.tsx file contains the sample source code that creates the wishlist widget. This document describes the implementation logic in detail.

About this task


  1. Import the Styled user interface components from the @hcl-commerce-store-sdk/react-component packages, and Add a icon from the Material user interface.
    //stadard libraries
    import React from "react";
    import {
    } from "@hcl-commerce-store-sdk/react-component";
    import Add from "@material-ui/icons/Add";
  2. Create an interface called CreateWishListWidgetProps with the needed properties for functional component CreateWishListWidget. Create the CreateWishListWidget react function component and design the create wishlist widget by using the imported Styled user interface as well as Add icon components using the following code:
    interface CreateWishListWidgetProps {
    translation: any;
    WishListName: String;
    handelWishListName: Function;
    validateWishListName: Function;
    canCreatewishlist: Function;
    createWishList: Function;
    EMPTY_STRING: string;
    translation The translation object contains the i18n strings.
    wishListName React hook state variable to store wish list name.
    handleWishListName React hook state setter function to set the wish list name.
    validateWishListName Function to validate the wish list name entered.
    canCreateWishList Function to enable/disable the Create List button.
    createWishList Function to create the wishlist which will call the REST API.
    EMPTY_STRING Empty string constant “”.