HCL Commerce Version or later

Marketplace for React-based store

HCL Commerce allows different vendors to participate in one or more marketplaces. The following provides an overview of the Marketplace for React-based Stores. Here the "Marketplace Operator" refers to the entity who is hosting the marketplace, "Marketplace Seller" is the vendor who sells the products on the market place and "Shopper" refers to the buyers who buy the product from the platform.
The Marketplace feature allows the Marketplace Operators to display the products from other vendors in a simple, yet flexible way. Similarly, Marketplace sellers can use this service and other features of the Marketplace Operator's E-commerce platform to sell their own products on the platform. This leads to a better end-user experience, where a shopper can filter the products by a single or multiple seller names. This feature is available for registered users as well as guest users who have not registered themselves on the React-based Stores. For more details, see Marketplace.
Note: This Marketplace feature is currently for React-based B2C stores such as Emerald and EmeraldPlus.
The Marketplace feature must be enabled before using it. For more details on enabling the Marketplace feature, see Enabling a marketplace.
Note: After enabling the marketplace, stage propagate the store data and run all the registries from the Management Center. To run the registries, from the hamburger menu, go to System Administrator > Registries > Update all. The Add to Cart button remains disabled if registries are not updated.
Note: The EmeraldMP store, with the storeID 31, is the default marketplace reference store that is bootstrapped with sample marketplace data. The default Marketplace reference store displays the letters 'MP' beside the store name with a new Marketplace icon.

The following image shows an example of a Marketplace enabled Emerald Store.

When you click on the Marketplace icon, an optional Filter by Marketplace Seller dropdown menu appears containing a list of sellers. On clicking the seller name, you are redirected to the Home page. The top categories on this page are filtered as per the products sold by the selected seller.

If you do not filter the Marketplace by seller and click on any listed product, you can still find which seller is associated with any given product. The seller description is displayed above the Add to Cart button on the PDP page under the heading Sold and Shipped by. On clicking this seller name, you are redirected to the product listing page in the category where the product belongs, and the system filters the seller facet by that particular seller's name.

In the checkout flow, if you have selected products from different sellers, the shopping cart displays the products grouped by seller. For example, if there are two items that are sold by seller A, then the shopping cart will display those two items under the heading Sold and Shipped by Seller A along with the product details. Similarly, any product that does not belong to a particular seller is displayed under the heading Sold and Shipped by storename. HCL Commerce Version or laterThis grouping of products as per the respective sellers, is available throughout the checkout flow and in the order history. The shopper can also type the seller name in the search box and get suggestions for sellers and products. This search is not case-sensitive.