Including language data

In this lesson, you learn how to include the language data you created in the previous step into your HCL Commerce instance. In this step of the tutorial, you include the locale information by updating the instance configuration files.

About this task

You can add default languages to your instance when you create the instance. However, non-default languages such as the en_CA example you are using must be added after the instance is created. To include new languages that were loaded through the bootstrap files, the instance configuration files must be updated. The following steps are required to update the instance configuration files and apply it to the existing HCL Commerce instance:


  1. Update the HCL Commerce configuration files to support the new languages.
    1. Locate the HCL Commerce configuration files.
    2. Back up both of the HCL Commerce configuration files.
    3. Open each file for editing and search for references to the Instance element.
    4. Within the instance element, find the attribute BootstrapMulti (a typical entry for the attribute is wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_US.xml,wcs.bootstrap_multi_fr_FR.xml.
    5. Append values to the entry as follows: ,wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_CA.xml,wcs.bootstrap_multi_fr_CA.xml.
    6. Within the instance element, find the attribute SupportedLanguages.
    7. Append the new values to support the languages you want for your instance.
      For example, SupportedLanguages="-1, -24, -25" causes the WebSphere Commerce instance to support the languages: United States English, Canadian English, and Canadian French.
    8. Save and close the files.
  2. Stop the HCL Commerce instance.
  3. Restart the HCL Commerce instance.
  4. Test your updates to the HCL Commerce configuration file by verifying that the currency and languages display in the Management Center.
    1. Open the Store Management tool.
    2. Double-click a store name to open its store details.
    3. In the Supported currencies section, ensure that Canadian Dollar appears as a selectable currency.
      In this scenario, it is available by default.

      Supported currencies
    4. In the Supported languages section, ensure that Canadian English and Canadian French appear as selectable languages.
      The languages are made available as part of your instance updates.

      Supported currencies


You included the new locale into your HCL Commerce instance. In the next step, you create Management Center properties files and resource bundle files for the en_CA and fr_CA locales.