HCL Commerce Version or later

Marketplace business audit configuration

HCL Commerce allows you to configure the Marketplace for business audit configuration.

Based on the sub module, the marketplace services are classified into the following five sub types for auditing:
Table 1. Marketplace Events
Event type Description
MPM Marketplace Seller Management event type
MPD Marketplace Seller Download event type
MPP Marketplace Product Upload event type
MPI Marketplace Inventory Upload event type
MPO Marketplace Order and Order Items event type

All the events are enabled by default. Refer to HCL Commerce REST API to view and understand different marketplace REST APIs available.

All the catalog upload requests created by the Marketplace Seller are sent to the Marketplace Operator for his approval. All the requests are viewed in the Workspace tool. The workspace change history is available for the Marketplace Operator to review and Approve or Reject the request. See Approving or Rejecting Catalog Update requests for more information.
Note: The WorkspaceChangeHistoryAuditEnabled is disabled by default. If the WorkspaceChangeHistoryAuditEnabled is not enabled, the workspace change history will be gone once the task group is completed after products change is approved. To retain the workspace change history for auditing purpose, enable the WorkspaceChangeHistoryAuditEnabled configuration. See Enabling the change history for approved and canceled task groups for more information.