HCL Commerce Version or later

Starting the Tooling Web Docker container by retrieving parameters from container environment variables

Learn about how to start the Tooling Web Docker container by specifying CONFIGURE_MODE=EnvVariables.

Mandatory parameters

Parameter name Value
ALLOW_TELEMETRY Specifies whether Google Analytics is enabled or not.

The default value is yes.

Accepted values are:
  • yes to enable Google Analytics.
  • no to disable Google Analytics.
Important: When starting the Tooling Web Docker container in versions through, you must set the container deployment type. Failure to do so will prevent the container from starting. Ensure that you set the deployment type via the DEPLOYMENT_TYPE container environment variable, or in Vault at the following path ${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/deploymentType. Accepted values are development, staging, or production.

Optional parameters

Parameter name Value
DEPLOYMENT_TYPE The deployment type.

This value is required when allowTelemetry value is yes.

Accepted values are:
  • development,
  • staging,
  • production.
Important: When starting the Tooling Web Docker container in versions through, you must set the container deployment type. Failure to do so will prevent the container from starting. Ensure that you set the deployment type via the DEPLOYMENT_TYPE container environment variable, or in Vault at the following path ${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/deploymentType. Accepted values are development, staging, or production.

Code example

docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept  \
    -e ALLOW_TELEMETRY=<default value is yes>
	-e DEPLOYMENT_TYPE=<required when ALLOW_TELEMETRY is yes> \
    <Tooling web Docker image>