Troubleshooting: Ignore error SystemErr in SystemOut.log when starting Transaction server

Ignore the error SystemErr in SystemOut.log INFO log statements from wink library, when starting Transaction server.

Five examples of error SystemErr in SystemOut.log INFO log statements are as follows:

  • [6/25/21 14:17:54:947 GMT] 00000092 SystemErr R ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation.

    Add log4j-core to the classpath. Use the SimpleLogger to log into the console.

  • [6/25/21 14:19:20:168 GMT] 000000fe SystemErr R 34343 [WebContainer : 0] INFO org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet
    The system is using deployment configuration class named in the deploymentConfiguration init-param initialization parameter.
  • [6/25/21 14:19:20:181 GMT] 000000fe SystemErr R 34356 [WebContainer : 0] INFO org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet

    The system is using the properties file located at /WEB-INF/config/ named in the propertiesLocation init-param initialization parameter.

  • [6/25/21 14:19:20:240 GMT] 000000fe SystemErr R 34414 [WebContainer : 0] INFO org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet

    The system is using the /WEB-INF/config/;/WEB-INF/config/;/WEB-INF/config/;/WEB-INF/config/ JAX-RS application class named in the applicationConfigLocation init-param initialization parameter.

    [6/25/21 14:19:20:562 GMT] 000000fe SystemErr R 34737 [WebContainer : 0] WARN org.apache.wink.common.internal.registry.metadata.ResourceMetadataCollector

    The sub-resource locator is annotated with These annotations are ignored for sub-resource locators.